-chapter 1-

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 today 12/10/2023

summer was having a lovely day it was almost her birthday she was chilling with her friends on discord she had to look out for her parents though. they didng know summer had discord and summer knew she wasn't allowed to talk to strangers online but for her it felt diffrent she felt like she knew them for so long.

she was hoping to celebrate her birthday with her friends on discord but before she knew what could happen. she didnt hear her parents coming so they saw her on discord. they wanted to look through summer her phone she had a panick attack because of that. she deleted discord as fast as she could but her parents still saw all her screenshots and they were kinda mad. summer was just still hyperventalating and panicking. after a talk to her parents she has never been on discord again she cried days and night just being scared that she'll loose all of her friends on there.

as the days go by she waited for her birthday. she got a message from one of her friends who were also on discord she sent some messages that people from discord had made for summer.

she didn't know how to react it was so hard for her because she misses all of them although she had one really really good friend on there. the thing was she got some people on snapchat.

 she missed roleplaying with her friends after a long time without disord she made so many friends on there that she could never forget and since this her life has changed.


this was the first chapter i  knopw its short but there may come a new chapter soon. and if you may be in the same situation just know that sometimes its better to leave some things behind and come back when youre old enough <3  :)

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