✰✦✰ Chapter 31 ✰✦✰

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✰✦✰ Chapter 31 ✰✦✰
Dancing With The Devil "

NOW THAT WE were back downstairs, we signalled to Luna and Miles that it was their turn to have a look around, making it Darius and I's turn to take to the dance floor.

We stood across from one another awkwardly until I said, "Take my hand, would you? We're supposed to dance."

For the first time, he actually looked unsure, eyes flicking between my lips and my eyes. Even so, he hesitated before offering me his calloused hand, which I accepted, and placed his other hand on my lower back.

We began swaying to the music when I forced myself to remain calm at the contact and kept my eyes locked on his. Something about simply fixating my attention on him and only him sent waves of passionate loathing and another foreign emotion crashing to my shore.

I think it frightened me. Having someone look at me like they could see right through, like I was so transparent they knew everything about me. As a little girl, whenever I'd dreamed of having a husband, I'd thought of this type of gaze. But with someone I wanted and cared for and never would wish any harm upon. Someone I considered my other half. Not someone like Darius Ambers.

"That wasn't funny, what happened up there," Darius said to me with raised, unserious eyebrows. "Were the slaps really necessary?"

My lips rose. "Of course they were, in getting him to believe us and satisfy me in finally getting to do what I've wanted for so long."

"That's psychotic."

"Says the man who kidnapped me."

"You're aware it was all a hoax?"

I shrugged. "Sounds like something you'd do anyway."

A glimmer of hurt shone in Darius's eyes after I'd said that. "You believe that?"

His momentary pain left me conflicted. Was he joking around, thinking he was being hilarious when all he was doing was confounding me? "Yes."

Softly, he told me, "That's ridiculous. I need you."

Is this real? Who did he think he was to abduct me one day and then claim he needed me the next? Did he get some sick satisfaction from bewildering me?

Just as I was going to ask him, he clarified, "For my reward money, Princess. I need you and for that only."

"I know." I spat.

"I didn't even think you'd want me as your partner," I heard Darius say a few silent minutes later but I didn't meet his eyes.

"I don't," I told him firmly. "But it's better than you having to go with Luna, and Miles having to pair up with a murderous Sarinne."

"Oh, and that's all?"

"Yes," I replied sharply. "So don't go thinking that you'll get to kiss me again because it isn't happening."

Though I wasn't looking at him, I felt it when Darius leaned down and said, "I think your acting skills need improvement, love."

Act in love, I remembered my own words and, wow, did I hate myself for it.

"Okay, that's it," I said, facing him again and catching my breath when I saw his amber eyes. They looked like honey I wished I could drown in. What in the world? Why am I thinking this? I hadn't had a proper chance to look at him this way since we'd left the ship and now that I was staring into his eyes, I was wishing he'd turned out ugly. Not so handsome and muscular and gorgeous. Disgusting.

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