✰✦✰ Chapter 33 ✰✦✰

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✰✦✰ Chapter 33 ✰✦✰
Oblivious To The Art Of Cooking "

THE WAVES ROCKED our ship when I felt him stir beside me.

Swallowing—which I ended up doing too hard—I didn't dare move. Even as he stood up and made his way to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Faking sleep, practically dead, I wished last night away. I could still feel his lips on mine—how we'd tasted each other. It had been the best kiss of my life and I'd wasted all night thinking about him.

It revolted me now.

Even if we had both decided that that would be the extent of our "relationship"—one kiss and we were done—I felt so ashamed. So wrong for abandoning my morals so easily.

All because I'd been unable to sleep. All because I'd gotten out of bed and met him and dared him. Dared those cursed, curious eyes to do something I'd dreamt of for a while now.

When I heard the faucet turn on I realised this was my last chance before this turned into an even more awkward morning than was inevitable. Grabbing my day clothes, I dashed out the door and lost myself in the ship's corridors, finding an empty loo and changing inside. Then I spent another ten minutes staring at myself in the mirror, wondering how I'd gotten here.

Once I couldn't handle pitying myself anymore, I opened the door and made my way into the kitchen area of our ship.

Luna was there, sucking on a lollipop as red as her flowery sundress. Where did she get that? Her legs swayed back and forth as she sat on the island, reading a book. Even her mere humming nearly made all memories of last night vanish into the sea forever.

"Where did you get that?" I announced myself.

Her cerulean eyes shot up to find mine. A second later, a radiant smile appeared on her lips and she waved her lollipop. "I got a few on Oblecus Isle. Miles wasn't happy with me but it didn't take all too much persuasion."

I chuckled. "And you're reading?" As I stepped closer, I recognised the title of the book. "Hey, isn't that—"

"Jacks's history book?" she finished for me. I nodded. "Yes, I was wondering how come he knew so much and he must have an incredible education, not even everything he tells us is included in here. Although, you know, it may be, I just don't understand all of it."

"Don't worry," I said. "I know what you mean."

I made my way over to the fridge, grabbing a whole box of strawberries for myself. They smelled of summers long lost in a golden childhood I remembered so dearly. After washing them, Luna asked me, "How come you're up already?"

I glanced at the clock. It wasn't as late as I usually awoke or as early as would be suspicious, but I couldn't help but remember how mermaids could sense emotions.

"Uh. . ." I turned around. "I couldn't sleep."

Luna waved the book in the air and shrugged. "Me neither."

I wanted to ask her why, but then noted she'd probably reciprocate the question—one I honestly could do without answering. So I plastered on a smile instead. "Do you want to make breakfast together?"

She nodded eagerly, jumping down from the island and instantly coming up with ideas as to what we could make. It all sounded delicious but I hoped she didn't expect too much from my cooking skills, seeing as I'd never acquired any.

Though the next hour or so only made me feel so much safer and comfortable around her.

"Wait," I lifted my palms. "Don't we need milk?"

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