BasketGolf fluff

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I didnt know abt this ship until the request so if i get something wrong please correct me!!
Highschool au!! (Human)
Also im giving them human names
Before we begin, this is how the names work!
For example, Firey.
Firey will be given a name that starts with the first letter of his name ofc, and his last name is random!!
Ex: Frank Agustin (weird example i know but bear w me)
For example, Ice cube. Ice cube has two words in her name, so yes same rules BUT her last name will start with the first letter of the second word.
Ex: Isabella Cruz
Get it now?? OKKKKK <3

BB's pov:
Hello! Im Brielle Buchmann. (pls dont ask where i got the name.) I am a senior highschooler at TPOT high school, Department of Technology, you probably wanna know what TPOT means right? Well it means T - The  P - People O - Of  T - Truth.
Cool right? We have a lot of departments too! Only for senior high though. Those departments are:
Department of Justice
Department of Education and SPED
Department of Technology
Department of Engineering
Department of Arts and Culinary Arts
Department of Science and Laboratory Skills
Department of Health and Medication
And last but not least...
Department of Business management.
Jeez.. anyways, i need to be ready for school. It's quite fun and chaotic honestly, but really i love my school. Anyway, I usually walk to school so thats what i was doing, then i felt someone grab my shoulder...
It was Evan. Evan Brooks, my best friend since 6th grade.
"Hey Bri."
"Hello Evan, what brings you here today?"
"Pfft, i know! But why with me?"
"Eh, why not."
The thing is... Evan and I are in different departments. As i said, im in the technology one, Evan is in Arts and Culinary.
Each department has their own building, the arts building is across the technology one.
We finally reached the school gate and I told Evan.
"This is where we split."
"Aight, See ya at the cafe at 5?"
We waved goodbye as we went to our respective buildings. I was just walking through the halls as people were chatting and chatting. The schools atmosphere made me feel happy, calm, and at peace, even if there was extreme chaos. I went to my classroom, oh great.
I saw Gabriella Brown and "boyfriend", who she claims to not be dating, Thomas Bell (guys i suck at coming up with names pls spare me.).
I honestly never really liked them, they were the top 2 students in our class, but thats not the reason. Thomas is just such a suck up to Gabriella! And Gabriella looks down on everyone except Thomas! It's so annoying. I don't even want to be near them.

"Alright students! Please take your seats for the last lesson of this quarter!" Our teacher, Sir Xavier said in a soft voice.
Sir Xavier was kind and nice, he would also point out key parts of the lessons and would always clarify the things we didnt understand, so he earned a lot of peoples respect from his attitude and his way of resolving problems and conflicts.
Everyone loved him as a teacher, he always acted like he wasnt our teacher, but rather our friend.

Anyway, the lesson went on as I was looking at Gabriella, her blue eyes and her blonde hair...I hated her, but...why do i always feel like this about her? It's like she annoys me but she's so lovely... i was lost in my thoughts until i heard
"Alright! Thats all for the final lesson, you may use this free time to review or chat! Please review for your exams though!"
Sir Xavier said as he left the room.

I was on my way to grab a snack at the cafeteria, i saw Gabriella. She looked...down? That was most unusual... i dont know what came over me but i went to ask if she was okay.
"Hey. You alright?"
"Whats it matter to you?! Huh?!"
"Well jeez... just asking if you were okay.."
"Y-yeah! Im fine, whatever!"
"You dont look fine."
"Ugh! Just let me be will you?!"
"Hey! at least i try to be nice!"
"So what?!"
"Even if your such a stuck up top student, with her rich family, and her stupid little boyfriend, cant you at least try to be nice?! Not even for one second?! Just why are you so rude to me? Not just me, but everyone else! Except for your Tho-
I was cut off.
"I dont even like Thomas! He's just my close friend since kindergarten! I like you!"
Gabriella quickly covered her mouth.
" nothing."
She said as she speedily walked away.
Our next class was supposed to happen but it didnt because well, yeah.
So i took this opportunity to talk to Gabriella, who was currently with Thomas.
"Hey, Gabriella."
"What do you want."
"To talk, in private."
Gabriella looked at Thomas, and he nodded.
"Alright," she gave a loud sigh. "Lets go to the hallway."

We went to the hall way and she looked left and right to see if anyone was around...
"Alright, what do you want now?"
"I...Like you too."
I pulled her into a hug.
"Can i...kiss you...?"
She pulled me into a short kiss and buried her face next to my neck.
"We should head back inside now." I said.
"Mhm okay.." she said as she kissed me on the cheek.
"I love you" I whispered in her ear.
She became all red...
i just started laughing as she went back into class.
What a day to inform Evan on later...

The end
962 words

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