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[12:09 am]

"Fuck Halloween," the brunette curses to herself as she strides down the corridor of the college dormitory. Her costume barely keeps her warm as her legs and arms are exposed to the brisk air. The short white dress barely covers her thighs.

The angry click-clack of her high heels echoes in the empty hallway until she meets her destination. She stops in front of a door with the brass numbers '302' nailed onto the wood. Her finger quickly types in the passcode to unlock the door.

At first, Jennie quietly opens it in case the occupant is sleeping or busy studying. She didn't bother to send a text message about coming over, she just invited herself in without her permission. Now that she thinks about it, she should have sent a message in advance because it is past midnight and some students are either sleeping or studying.

When she invades her room, the lights are on and [Y/N]'s bedroom door is slightly ajar. She does a quick check of the entire dorm and realizes that [Y/N] is the only one here. Seems like her roommate went out to party. She pushes the bedroom door open and finds [Y/N] sleeping on top of her textbook and notes at her desk. The pen is hanging loosely from her hand, barely any tea left in her mug, and heavy yet soft breathing fills the silent room.

Her little puppy looks so peaceful and calm...


"Wake up!" Jennie smacks her hand down on the desk to scare the sleeping girl out of dreamland.

[Y/N] bolts awake and jumps back in her seat, feeling her heart sink to her stomach out of fear. Her hand clutches her chest and gapes at the intruder whose feline eyes stare at her. "Jesus Christ, woman! Are you trying to give me a goddamn heart attack before the midterms?!"

"You won't be passing your exams with drool all over your notes," Jennie taunts, glancing at the ink smudged from her saliva. "Also, some of it is on your face." Her thumb rubs [Y/N]'s cheek to erase some of the black ink printed on her skin.

[Y/N] swats Jennie's hand away and grumbles a few curses under her breath at the rude intrusion. She rubs the sleepiness out of her eyes. "If you weren't such a sly kitten, you would give me a text in advance about your arrival." As she leans back in her chair, she takes in the sight of the brunette dressed in her Halloween costume. It may be a normal nurse outfit, but Jennie manages to look sexy in it without trying. "What are you doing here dressed up like sexy fantasy?"

"Shut up with your weird phrases."

[Y/N]'s scowl curls into an amused smirk. "Aren't you a feisty one? What happened? Didn't get to drink or something?"

"I drank alright, but not enough to get shit-faced."

"Is there a problem?"

"A ton. Now, I need to get them off of my chest."

Literally, Jennie adds in her head.

"I'd be delighted to lend a helping hand, Nurse Kim, however, I need to memorize every single part of the human anatomy inside and out."

"Would you like a firsthand experience with me?" Jennie offers, confidently sauntering her way to the bed and doing a little twirl before sitting on it. She has successfully captured [Y/N]'s attention when she crosses her legs and leans back on the mattress with her arms supporting her.

[Y/N] is unable to tear her [E/C] eyes away from the seductive girl, biting on her tongue as she takes another good scan of her costume. Her gaze trails from the crimson heels, up her smooth legs, the white uniform, and the headband with a red outline of a heart. Meanwhile, she's dressed in a loose t-shirt and comfortable sweatpants.

Fuck Halloween [Jennie x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now