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A/n: did you guys miss me?!?@!@?

Been busy lately ☠️☠️...

Tysm for over 500 followers 😭😭😭.









Finally back at their school, it's been 2 weeks and yet it felt like forever. They had missed a lot of schooling, so who knows what they'd have to catch up on.

"I never thought I'd say I missed this place!" Bachira exclaimed as he hopped out of the bus.

"So tired..." Kurona yawned as he walked up beside Bachira staring at their school campus.

"And we have school tomorrow, this is just the worst." Hyo complained as he stepped out of the bus with Isagi and Rin behind him. "Let's just unload our belongings already." Chigiri said as he nudged past Rin.

After finally unloading the stuff from the bus, they were all left in a circle, kinda talking amongst themselves before heading back to their dorms.

"I'm gonna head to my dorm now, I'll see you all in class." Hyo waved with a smile as he began walking away. "Oh, bye Hyo!" Bachira waved, as well as everyone else.

"It is around 7, we should all start heading back." Chigiri suggested, the bus ride was long, so he assumed people were exhausted and we're just hanging around because everyone else was.

"Good idea, I'm pretty tired." Isagi nodded in agreement. "I'll go back with you." Nagi said suddenly and walked beside Isagi.

"Well I'm kinda hungry, I'm going to grab something to eat, anyone wanna come?" Reo questioned, which Bachira immediately agreed to, no questions needed.

Isagi and Nagi waved back to their classmates as they began walking back to their dorm, Rin wasn't coming with them so they guessed he was doing something before going to the dorm.

"Hey, don't you think something happened between Reo and Hyo?" Isagi suddenly brought up. Nagi glanced over at Isagi before humming in agreement. "Yeah, I've noticed that they haven't spoken a word to each other."

Isagi nodded, they didn't even sit next to each other on the bus, Reo sat next to Kurona while Hyo sat with Bachira.

"Whatever is happening with them, they better fix it soon." Nagi sighed as he placed his hands in his pockets as he looked up ahead of them.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Isagi nodded, Nagi hummed in agreement before he stopped walking. Isagi looked back at Nagi and stopped walking as well.

"Tired?" Isagi asked, though Nagi let out a sigh as he looked at Isagi. "I've...been thinking recently...." Nagi mumbled.

"I....." Nagi looked down at the ground, stumbling with his words, like he didn't know how to word them. Nagi sighed again as he looked back at Isagi.

For the first time, Nagi had a clear expression on his face, one of anxiousness. "Let me be honest Isagi." Nagi said.

"I know I'm in a bit of a competition right now, but...." Nagi said, his tone falling going lower, and lower. "I think I really like you, Isagi."

Nagi finally managed to say, he didn't know what to expect, he managed to let the weight off his shoulders that burdened him for a long time. But now he was regretting ever saying it.

"Actually, nevermind, forget." Nagi said not even letting Isagi respond as he carried on walking back to the dorm. "Hey." Isagi said grabbing Nagi's hand before he could progress any further.

"I...will admit, I don't know my own feelings, but, how about hanging out a bit more?" Isagi suggested. Nagi stared at Isagi for some time before a fond smile rested on his face as he nodded.

"Sure, let's do that." Nagi agreed as they carried on walking back to their dorm, their hands intertwined.





A/n: a short chapter but I'm really tired 😭😭.

I have like a kazuscara book sitting in my drafts, it's been there for 2 months now ☠️.

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