Soap x Fem!Reader

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Darn, that sure is a lot of happy oneshots where everyone is alive and mentally stable!
I'll need to do something about that :)

This was requested by MusicLover2089XD!

-Female reader (she/her)
-O/N is on grand slams
-Friends to lovers
-Probably my fluffiest oneshot yet <3
-Not much to say except enjoy :)


O/N and Soap met at the start of season two.
The two girls didn't have much in common but hit it off immediately, somehow.
Soap's leading nature and sweetness fit just right with O/N's softer personnality like two puzzle pieces, and they were always inseparable. If one of them was somewhere, the other was always near.
There was always a romantic tension of some kind between them, but they were both too shy to speak to the other about it.

When Soap got eliminated on the ninth episode, that didn't stop her friendship with O/N from developping. She often visited her pink friend in hotel OJ, and they spent wholesome time together as two friends would.


"O/N, would you mind handing me the pshht pshhht?"

"...The what?"

"The pssht pshht! The cleaning product for windows!"

"Ohhh! You call every spray ever psshht pshht, it gets confusing..."

O/N passed Soap the "psht psht" and watched as she began scrubbing the same window for the third time.
O/N sat on Soap's bed and frowned.

She came in hopes of confessing her feelings but Soap had decided to deep clean her hotel room, even though it was already impeccable.

"...Hey, you've been at this for an hour, your room is already squeaky clean! Don't you think you should take a break now?"

"No, O/N! What if there's still... y'know, germs?"

Soap shuddered with fear at her own words and scrubbed harder.

"With how much you've sanitised this whole place, i doubt it. I mean, doesn't your back hurt or anything? back hurts when I clean for too long."

"...okay, yeah, i'll take a little break. My back does hurt a bit."

Soap set her cloth and her "psht psht" on the top of a drawer and sat next to O/N on the bed. Being tired, the pink object wanted nothing more than something comfortable to hold, something that would make her feel safe...

So, Soap grabbed O/N by below her shoulders and held her close to her chest. It felt like holding a big plushie.
O/N got flustered by the gesture, but did not make any attempt to free herself from the cuddling, she couldn't deny it felt quite nice.

"...Soap, are you all right?"

She didn't respond and pulled O/N closer, kissing both of her cheeks.

"Thanks for looking out for me. If you didn't remind me, i'd forget to take breaks from cleaning and my back would be completely broken..."

O/N smiled at the words and leaned into the touch. She looked up at Soap, hoping for more kisses and surely, it was like Soap could read her mind.
The latter held O/N tightly and pecked her forehead a few times, giggling a bit.
And as much as the other object enjoyed receiving affection like this, she couldn't help the blood rushing to her face.

"...Sorry, are you embarrassed? Should I stop?"

The other object turning red worried Soap. She caressed O/N's cheek with her thumb and blushed as well when she realised what that looked like.

"Ah- um..."

An awkward silence followed, though neither of them made an effort to get out of that cuddling position. It felt comfortable being so close to each other.

O/N looked up at Soap again, The pink object got the message and kissed her friend on the cheek again, a bit too close to her mouth.
The angle proved awkward.
O/N closed her eyes, looking for Soap's lips with hers. The moment they finally met was like a relief from that constant romantic tension, like a silent confession.
O/N pulled away from the kiss, She was already breathless but Soap pulled her back in, cupping her cheeks. They stayed like this for a bit, enjoying the taste of each other's lips and after a bit, finally separated to breathe.

"...Could we keep cuddling for a bit?"

"Yeah, you're warm. And also because I love you."

-----------------------------------------------------Next Oneshot is Four x Reader x Two (requested by n3wb1e4lliance_)ALSO HOW DID THIS GET #7 IN THE #OBJECTSHOWCOMMUNITY TAG YOU GUYS ARE INSANE I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH 😭757 words :D

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Next Oneshot is Four x Reader x Two (requested by n3wb1e4lliance_)
757 words :D

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