The Conversation

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Let me tell you a story

Kalix:sure go ahead


Yun:There was 2 girls, 1st girl think that 2nd girl was her bestfriend, she do everything for her, her grads starts to fall, she starts disrespecting people just for the 2nd girl, after a year of damaging mental health, 1st girl got in 9th class and tell someone to ask that 1st girl, if she was really the friend of the 2nd girl,but the 1st girl says "nha i was juat using hwr to do my things and to sit with me so i can disrespect her", but the first girl had loosen her friend who was with her for 5years and think that she finally have a friend now.

Kalix:and... this first girl is you...? sits down next to yun and listens to her

Yun:Mhm, between of that the 1st girl made friends with arya trusting her that she would be a good person but that arya disrespect her behind her back and tell false thing about 1st girl to others and that 3rd friendship also broke

Kalix:so... what you're saying is that your so-called friends were rude to you, lied behind your back and didn't care about you at all?

Yun:Mhm...after that 1st get her mental health destroyed she got in 9th class she made 2 friends they were good and call the group trio but always leave 1st girl behind.

Kalix:so you were left behind by your friends even in 9th grade?

Yun:When that 1st girl confess that thing to those 2 girls they denied and says they never did that.

Kalix:these so-called friends of yours seem not only rude and disrespectful, but also hypocritical. and now you hate them all...

Yun:And that 1st girl don't even hate any of them but 2nd girl because she was the one to start this loop

Kalix:I hope your relationships with these people in the past and present won't ruin your faith in all humans...

Yun:Hope so, that 1st got her meantal health destroyed in school but in home her parents fight every day there parents don't allow her to do what she want, finally after 3 years, her parents allow her for karate, that place was soo peace full for the first girl.

Kalix:so... now the first girl, that's you, feel a little better, right? and you find peace in karate classes, right?

Yun:That 1st girl got 30 out of 80 in maths, her dream got broken to be a cosmologist

Kalix:still believe that one day you will find true friends or a true love that will accept you the way you are?

Yun:(shake head) then 1st girl make her drawing better and think to take math science after 10th do bachelor of fine arts and go higher in the field of karate, is it even possible?Maybe?....... (long sigh) ok story ended.


Kalix:don't worry i am always with ya

Yun:mhm....but you are frictional.

**to be continued**

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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