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It had been a week since I left.

"Just shut the hell up, i'm only here for Gia." I pushed Svet off me, she was trying to pull some shit that I didn't appreciate.

"You have to act like husband at event, if people don't believe it I will kill your babies." Svet nodded.

"Enough with killing my children! Just enough!" My voice raised at her. "Have you make sure you're motivated." She whispered giggling.

"I am just let me call home, please." I begged, she pulled out her phone doing something. "Hi, is this Gia?" She said enthusiastically, in an American accent.

Svet got her pocket knife, holding it against my neck.

She put the phone on speaker, letting me listen in. "Who's this." Gia asked, her voice raspy, it was basically gone. "Yes hi! I was wondering if Tom was there?" Svet continued talking.

I felt the tears well up in my eyes, but I couldn't talk. Not if I wanted to stay alive, for Gia, I did everything for Gia. "Who is this." She repeated, her voice trembling.

"Hi, i've got Tom with me here. I want you to go to your window and look outside for me, to the building straight ahead." She laughed.

"Is Tom really there?" I hummed a little, wanting to speak. But the knife just started digging deeper into my skin, nicking me gently.

"Speak." Svet said sternly, I put my wrist against her throat. Her hand going limp she dropped the knife. "Gia!" I shouted, the phone still clenched in her hand.

"TOM?!" She screamed, I suddenly felt a whole bunch of men from behind me, take me off of Svet. "It's her!" I shouted, before being pulled away.


"It's her!" I heard him shout, before the call hung up.

Her? Who's her!

Tom didn't have many enemies, everyone respected him. If we aren't talking mafia wise, I could think of one person. But no, he killed her.

Didn't he?

I grab my laptop, searching up her name. The internet says she's dead, but she's the only person I can think of that Tom has told me about.

Svetlana was his first girlfriend, and first kill.

I got my phone out, dialing Bill's number. It rang a couple times before he picked up. "Hey Gia, anything new?" He asked, referring to Tom.

"I got a random call, and she asked me if Tom was there. Then I heard her force him to talk, and then he got taken away and he started yelling 'It's her!' Bill, do you think it's Svetlana?" I questioned.

"That's impossible, he killed her." Bill replied.

"Okay but, what if he didn't. He didn't kill me, remember?" I pointed out, after I found out about everything Tom was forced into killing me.

Never could do it though... obviously. So instead, he started to teach me, he taught me everything I know now. "Holy shit Gia." I heard some shuffling from the other side of the line, I stayed silent. Waiting for him.

"Wait Bill! When I was on the phone, she told me to look out my window. I'm a little scared but I think I can do it with you here, should I?" I asked.

"Okay, go look at tell me what you see." He agreed, I went to my window. Squinting my eyes at the building in front of me, oh shit.

"Bill, it's a sniper. Directed at me!" I whisper yelled, I suddenly saw him cock his gun. "Shit!" I yelled, ducking my head. It had gone through the window.

"Gia?! Gia are you okay?!" Bill said, worriedly.

"I'm fine! A little shaken up, but i'm okay!" I reassured. "Describe the shooter to me." He says, it sounded as if he was pacing around everywhere.

"Um..." I peeked my head out the window a little. "Kind of chubby, short blonde hair, blue eyes and he has a scar slit down his brows." I responded.

"Fuck... Ivan." Bill whispered, cursing under his breath. "Who's Ivan?" I furrowed my brows a little. "Her brother, it's all starting to add up." He explains.

"Okay but I don't get it, why has she taken Tom." I walked over the broken glass, getting a blanket and covering the window with it.

"She's probably jealous, he was meant to kill her. She always believed in true love, so when Tom had to let her go... she must've had some bottled up feelings."


"Fuck!" I screamed, pounding on the steering wheel.

"Calm down!" Svetlana yelled. "You want me to calm down? My dad just sent me here to kill you! How am I supposed to do that!" I started to bang my head against the wheel, as the honk continuously went off.

"I don't know! Maybe we can just fake it!" She suggested, Svet and I were in love. But we were from different worlds, she was in the Russian mafia, meanwhile my father hated them.

It was forbidden.

"We can fake it, but if we do. I'll never see you again Svet." I held her face, her eyes glistened, as they looked into mine. "I know baby, but it's for the best." Svetlana placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

I scrunched up my nose a little, feeling her wet lashes bat against my cheeks. "I love you Tom." She whispered, against my face.

"I love you too, Svet."

A/N- idk if this chapter makes sense... BUT UM. ANYWHO! I missed my flight 😰😰 so!

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