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"so if you have a minute why don't we gotalk about it somewhere only we know?"SOMEWHERE ONLY WE KNOWkeane

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"so if you have a minute why don't we go
talk about it somewhere only we know?"

"so if you have a minute why don't we gotalk about it somewhere only we know?"SOMEWHERE ONLY WE KNOWkeane

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Aella's bed was uncomfortable. She couldn't stop thinking about earlier that morning, thinking if Abby was okay, what Mike was doing.

What was Mike doing? She couldn't stop thinking about Mike. His little brother, his family. It was weird how often he was on her mind.

She turns her head to her clock, and there it is. Her chapstick. She groans and pulls her arms over to grab it, removing the cap and applying it all over her lips.

She'd wonder why she didn't get a call from Mike. She thought he'd finally got ahold of Max or something, but she wasn't exactly complaining. She did miss cooking for them though.

The time read 6:36 pm. Work started in only 6 hours, but she was tired of laying in bed doing nothing. She rolled herself out and planted her feet on the floor to stabilize herself as she stood up.

She rubbed her eye with her palm sleepily, dragging her feet towards the phone. She took it off the receiver and put it to her ear, pressing Mike's number in.

It rang. Once. Twice. Three time. He didn't pick up. Her eyebrows furrowed, especially since he'd pick up after the second ring.

She pulled the phone away and sighed. She wanted to make sure they were okay, so she walked towards her shoes next to the door and slipped her feet into them, tying her shoes quickly.

✓ DEAD OR ALIVE¹ ──── mike schmidt Where stories live. Discover now