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As Lightbulb walked down the stairs she picked up her phone to use the flashlight, her screen read 2:00, It was late. What started as a midnight restroom break turned into a late night pantry raid. When she got downstairs it was pitch black, no one was there besides her and pickle, who was sleeping on the couch.

She made her way to the kitchen trying not to giggle at whatever she found funny at the moment. Maybe it was the way Pickle was snoring or maybe it was the weird sound of the creaks the floor whispered. Either way she was trying not to giggle as she was heading towards her midnight feast.

As she opened the door to the pantry, she heard a familiar voice.
“Whose there.”
Bot ran over to Lightbulb and hugged her.
“Jeez it’s so nice being able to talk to someone I’m familiar with, Fan and Paintbrush have been distant so this will be a good change!”
Bot smiled purely at Lightbulb as Lightbulb nodded in agreement.
“Yeah Painty has been acting weirdly recently, clinging onto me but avoiding other people.”
“I’ve noticed that”
“By the way do you know where Painty and Fan are?”
“I think Fan was going to go clean Test Tube’s lab out but I’m not sure about PB”


Fan stared at the red tiny drop on the tray, it belonged to Test Tube.
“She didn’t run away, I know she didn’t.” She then got on his knees and looked under the table. Glass.

He picked it up, careful not to cut herself, remembering how to find fingerprints (taught by Test Tube), he set it on a plate and grabbed everything Test Tube used. Fan didn’t know how she got it, but somehow she got the fingerprints of every contestant. Fan found the fingerprint and found it was Paintbrush’s.

They were now a suspect.

“Hey Fan I cleared some of her bedroom out.” Paintbrush was holding a black bag. When they looked up they found Fan and the fingerprint finder and the blood.
“Fan I know what you’re thinking.”
“You did it.”
“N-no I didn’t kill Test Tube!”
“Then explain why I found Test Tube’s blood on the counter and a glass shard with your fingerprints on it!”
Paintbrush was a good liar.
“She knocked down a beacon and while she was picking it up she cut herself so i started picking it up for her.”
“If you were picking it up why was it under the table?”
“I must of dropped it or something ok? Lay off!”
“The letters were forced, and you handed them to us.”
“Okay? She was probably upset at the time of writing them so it was sloppy.”
Fan picked up his phone. A while ago Test Tube gave access to her lab cameras, just in case. He didn’t know why he didn’t do this right away, maybe she didn’t wanna believe that she was dead.
“You..you did do it.”
“I’m sorry” Paintbrush threw Fan into the table, her glasses falling and breaking.
“P-Paintbrush please…you don’t have to.
“But if I don’t you’ll tell everyone an-”
Fan jumped onto Paintbrush and dug her nails into their neck, trying to choke them. Paintbrush tried to fight back but ultimately gave in and fell over. Fan made a run for it. Running for his life.

She was choking on the cold crisp air, his feet moving so fast he was struggling to keep his balance. Then she tripped, he was so out of breath she couldn’t pick herself up. Before he knew it Paintbrush was standing over them with a metal rod, then it went dark.

sorry for the decrease in quality, this is no longer a passion project on my end

on another note the chapter format has changes, im tired of titles!

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