The meet and greet

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It was a warm, sunny day. The rain had just settled and the line into the concert was getting longer and longer. Luckily Y/N had been there early, getting a place close to the door. As the doors opened, the line quickly moved fprward and tickets were being scanned. Once Y/N got there, their ticket got scanned and they were quickly rushed in by the people. They were met with a huge lounge filled by merch and snacks. Y/N looked around for a while, looking between the diffrent shirts and hats in the merch area. They held a shirt for a while before deciding to put it back. After a few minutes, the doors into the concert hall opened and people began walking in, finding their seats and began settling down. Y/N quickly walked to the front row and found their seat, sitting down. The view was great and they could see everything from here. Some soft background music was playing, but it was talked over by loud, excited people. Y/N had decided to go alone, looking around at all the diffrent people coming in duos or even groups. Y/N sighed and sunk down a bit in their seat.

More people began coming into the hall, finding their seats and before you knew it, the whole room was filled with people, except for two spots by Y/N. The lights went out and low music began playing, the silhouettes of people getting prepped on stage could be seen and some people were cheering. Y/N looked up with excitment as a familiar tune started playing. Up on the big screen, a short clip began playing. It looked like some apocalyptic short clip and Y/N looked at it with excitment, fidgeting with their fingers. A familiar face showed in the clip, the man with long, brown curls smiled and big letters popped up on the screen.
After that, an accordion could ne heard and the stage lit up, out came a tall, long haired man and polka face began playing.
Y/N was smiling, slightly dancing along to the catchy tunes, mumbling along to some of the words.
Once the song was done, he put down his accordion and walked over to the mic.
"Hello everyone! And the alpocalypse!"
People loudly cheared and Y/N was clapping.
The mans eyes surfed the crowd before catching Y/Ns eyes, giving them a soft smile.
"I'm so excited to have you all here today! We have a great concert planned and I'm sure all of you will love it!"
Al's eyes turned to Y/N again and they blushed softly, looking down a bit.


After an hour and a half had gone by, Al thanked everyone for coming and began walking backstage, getting ready for his meet and greet. The people who had paid for the meet and greet tickets were taken aside, and one of them was Y/N. They all walked out of the concert hall, down the corridor and lined up infront of a few doors. Y/N was standing there nervously, excited to finally meet their biggest idol.

The like got shorter and shorter as people came in and out again. Y/N looked behind them and realised they were the last in line. As the final person walked in, they felt a wave of anxiety wash over them and they began feeling unwell. A guard walked, asking if everything was okay, and Y/N nodded.
"Yeah, I'm just a bit nervous, that's all!"
Y/N said in a soft spoken voice. As the doors opened and the last person came out, Y/N could spot the man they had been waiting to meet.
Al had a soft smile on his face, waving for them to come in.
Y/N walked in slowly, holding their hands to their chest nervously.
Al could tell they were nervous. He began walking up to them with a larger smile, placing a hand on their shoulder.
Y/N looked up at him with shock in their eyes, they couldn't belive it. Al was actually there, right in front of them, making eyecontact. Y/N gasped for air and Al chuckled.
"Don't forget to breathe dear, I'm not that breathtaking, am I?"
Al said in a teasing tone.
A soft red washed over Y/Ns face and Al smirked softly, enjoying every second of it. He hugged Y/N, still holding in a laugh before they walked over to the photoshoot. They took a few photos, making silly faces and poses before they walked back over, looking through them. Al nodded and smiled proudly.
"That one's perfect, I mean, Y/N looks gorgeous in it..or what do you think~?"
He said with a teasing tone.
Y/N nodded and shrugged.
"Yeah, yeah totally it looks, perfect-"
Their face had turned a deep red from the compliment and Al chuckled, standing a bit closer to them.

They chatted a while before Al's manager came over, telling them their time was up. Al shook his head and waved him away.
"Just a bit more time, I'm really enjoying this"
His manager nodded and walked away, leaving the two of them alone in the photo room. Al began walking over to the couch, signaling for Y/N to follow.
Al sat down and Y/N sat down next to him. Al chuckled and moved a bit closer.
"You don't have to be afraid of me dear~"
He said teasingly. Y/N looked over at him and made long eyecontact, moving slightly closer. A connection sparked between the two of them and they both began leaning in for a kiss when they were interupted by Al's manager walking in again.
They both shot up from the couch, both equally shocked by the loud entry. Their time was officially up now and Al nodded, to tired to fight back.
"But Y/N wait here, one second!"
Al hurried to a table, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen before walking back with a folded note, putting it into Y/Ns pocket.
"It was nice meeting you, Y/N!"
They were quickly rushed out the door and they walked out to their car, the moment of them almost kissing replaying in their head. As they sat down, they reached into their pocket and pulled out the paper, unfolding it. After a while, they realised what it was, it was Al's phonenumber. Their eyes widened and they quickly pulled out their phone, typing in the number. They began writing a short, simple message.
"Hello, this is Y/N, who's number is this?"

To be continued..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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