"The What Man?"

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    Tap..Tap..Tap.. Lucas tapped his pen bored out of his mind, 'come on, just 8 more minutes..' Lucas gazed at the clock, he watched the minute hand tick, and tock. Lucas laid back into his chair and groaned.


Lucas grabbed ahold of all of his items, a bag, and a drink and pushed through a crowd of smelly teens. While Lucas was walking out of the front doors, a girl nudged into him "Lucas! Is my mom taking us or is your dad?" It was a tall dark girl, Kathrine, or Katie. Lucas said in a deep voice "Oh- your mom l-o-l my dad cant pick us up" He and Katie walked to an area on the blacktop. Then another walked up and shoved Lucas "Wilson- and Gibson meet you both there im taking my bike." She said in a tired tone. "Okay- see you there." Katie responded. "Oh! There she is, come on lucas!" Katie grabbed lucas and pulled him into the car.
"Hello Mrs. Gibson!" Lucas said, Mrs. Gibson  Smiled and waved, then they headed off.

Carmen was on her bike, she looked calm? but not. She had her guard up. While she was making her way down the alley to the radio station she heard loud noises, she locked her bike up and speed walked inside. Carmen walked into the sound room and got ready.

Katie and lucas got dropped off and they dropped their bags and walked into the booth, they looked up at the sign, "Off air" they should set up. Lucas stared at the empty mic, "Belle isnt here. Again. Remind me again why we let her join?" Lucas sighed and rolled his eyes. "Shes my girlfriend! I had to let her join!" Katie protested then sighed "Carmen! We're ready!" Carmen got her things ready then gave a thumbs up, signaling that they were on air.

"Thats what you call the rose Killer!" Katie called with excitement, "well, were going into a break, and we will be back" Lucas stated and gave a thumbs up to carmen and carmen started to play a commercial.

"Good job Katie" Lucas said and grabbed a coke. "Thanks! I don't think there is m-"
Ring.. Ring..

Lucas stared at the phone, and picked it up "Hello, your talking to Lucas Wilson from 1.56 SLASH!" Lucas listened to the call, "on air?" Lucas looked at carmen then to Katie "Yeah hold let me get this call on air, keep calm!" Lucas held the phone to his chest "Carmen put this on air, make the call be loud." Lucas looked at carmen "it's important."

"Hello, miss are you still there?" Lucas asked, "Y-Yes!" A woman said shakily, "Great, now whats wrong?" Lucas asked he gave Katie a worried look. "I-Im being hunted! A-A killer! H-hes after me!" The woman cried softly, "Who?" Lucas stared, "The CallingMan!" Lucas gave a soft confused look. "The CallingMan??" Katie spoke, "Yes! Hes back! And im being hunted! Oh please! Help! I cant get to 911, they're not free! Please tell me what to do!"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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