🍀 03

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'Now this was strange...' Shinichiro had started homeroom 15 minutes ago. He was surprised to not see a certain blonde inside the classroom considering she was one of the students who doesn't go to school late.

During those 15 minutes he kept on discussing and teaching the students however no sign of Y/N entering the classroom.

'Is she entering on second period?' He sighed and kept on discussing but it felt empty. Empty because he saw no motivation here, on of the many reasons why he's excited about his job, the school, it's often because he gets to see her but now.. Seeing the person who's one of the reasons he wakes up early is not here-- He felt like a big part of his day and him was missing.

Shinichiro closed his book when the bell rang which indicated first period was done so he requested for students to erase the writings on the board and he left the classroom.

As he walked, thoughts came running to his head.

What happened to her?

Is she busy?


Was she avoiding him?

Yet another sigh left his lips and he ran his fingers through his black hair.

"Did I push her too much?" He mumbled low enough for he can hear it. Shin didn't regret what he did but if this was the response he gave maybe.. He had a small bit of guilt and regret but majority, he felt good about the kiss which only made him more frustrated and he slapped his book against his head but not too much.

"I was selfish.."

"Mr. Sano?"

He flinched and whipped his head behind, he gave the student a smile and pat her head gently.

"What's up, kid?" He asked and the girl just replied, her hair swaying gently.

"I was just heading to Wakasa."

Shin smirked and he pulled his hand back before crossing his arms, pretending to observe her face as he made a long 'hum' but then he snapped his fingers and pointed it to her.

"You're together now, huh?"

He chuckle when the girl started blushing and even trying to deny it but even he can read it all.
She's a sweet yet smart girl and he was glad his bestfriend finally decided to kind of settle down and he chose the right girl for him.

'A sweet and smart girl...' He let out a low chuckle but to himself only, she was totally the opposite of Y/N. He remembered when they first met Y/N wasn't anything sweet at all, inatead..

He remembered her glaring at him during lessons, and he even remembered the beat up he received from her but on and all he loved everything about her.

The student in front of him suddenly noticed the look on his face so she asked.

"Mr. Sano, is something bothering you?" Worry laced through her voice taking Shin off guard. Was he that obvious?

But Shin just rubbed his nape and smiled sheepishly, looking away from her.

"Sort of."

"Do you wanna share it?"

Since the two was already on the way to the teacher's faculty the two used to time to talk.

Shin told her about the details but cut it short so he wouldn't tell her that they kissed. He does trust the girl Wakasa chose and he doesn't mimd sharing that info at all but he knows damn well, Y/N would mind so he respected that.

The Ten Year Gap \\ 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙤 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now