Where are we?

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Hope and Valentina were in their room after Hope won Miss Mystic Falls.

Valentina was holding Hope as she cried.
Suddenly, there was a white light and they disappeared.

Years in the past, when Hope had just met the Mikaelson family, the same thing happened.

Klaus and Hope were painting in the garden, and the rest of Mikaelson siblings were inside watching them when the white appeared.

The same thing happened to Marcel Gerard, Lana, and Leo Mikaelson.

Valentina woke up on the red carpet. She saw Hope lying next to her and also waking up.

Once they stood up, they saw other people we're in the room and had also started waking up.

Hope froze as well as Valentina because both of them saw members of their family that were supposed to be dead.

Suddenly, they heard a voice.
"Welcome, Mikaelson family."

"Who the hell are you?", Kol asked.

"I brought all of you here to react to your future because it's not a nice one. I want to give you a chance to change that. So you're going to introduce yourselves, and then we can start. May secrets be revealed."

At that last sentence, Valentina and Klaus ran a hand through their hair as they said at the same time.
"Oh, bloody hell."

They looked at each other for a second, Valentina smiled at her dad, and he returned the smile.

They saw the looks everyone else gave them, but they just ignored them.

"Let's start the introduction. I'm Klaus Mikaelson."

"Valentina Layson.", That earned a few weird looks from her sister, boyfriend, uncle, and dad.

"Hope Mikaelson."

"But I'm Hope Mikaelson.", Younger Hope said.

"She is an older version of you from the future.", Valentina said.
"Now, let's continue."

"Kol Mikaelson."

"Davina Claire-Mikaelson."
Valentina turned to look at her aunt.
"From the future.", Davina added.

"Hayley Marshall."

"Marcel Gerard."

"Elijah Mikaelson."

"Freya Mikaelson."

"Rebekah Mikaelson."

"Lana M..Layson.", Valentina noticed how she nearly said Mikaelson, but hoped no one else had.

"Leo Layson."

"Now that introduction is over let's start reacting."

Sitting arrangement:

First row: Kol, Davina, Lana, Leo, Valentina, Hope(both of them), Klaus

Second row: Hayley, Elijah, Freya, Rebekah, Marcel

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