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Today is the day, you woke very early in order to get ready and think about how are you going to present your situation to her. Even if your anxiety levels are high you decided to make everything else have a high comfort mode. Comfort clothes, comfort breakfast, comfort coffee shop that you used to go with Victoria when you were still with Max and never went there again because it brought back memories. So much comfort. Ironic isn't it.

Your mom was kinda busy with flower planting. She wanted to plant tulips, your favourite flower because she is thankful that you are back even for a small break. You grabbed your phone to check the time. It was still pretty early. You were scrolling through the gossip sites again. Your picture with Charles wasn't a hot issue anymore. That's relieving. You were dying to call Charles. You have missed his voice, you have missed your conversations, his presence, everything.

He was now in Brazil, getting ready for the new race. Instead of calling him you decided to text Pierre. He's one of the few people that you can trust when it comes to your secrets or your rants. He'd probably be asleep but you just wanted to let things out.

Hey I know that you are asleep
But I just wanted to talk to someone
Not talk actually
But like rant
Texting you is stress relieving
Anyways I am about to actually carry out my plan.
I hope that it will go well
Because I am extremely stressed

You grabbed all your things and walked to your car. You decided to stop by a flower shop and get Victoria a small bouquet as a reunion gift. Roses of course, her favourite. After buying the bouquet you made your way to the coffee shop. You were 10 minutes early. You had plenty of time to order your coffee and think about the things that you wanted to tell her.

You saw a familiar face entering the shop. It was Victoria, you stood up and ran to her. You hugged her softly and smiled. She smiled back and followed you to your coffee table. "The love is still there.." she said as you offered the bouquet to her. "I mean , happens to the best of us.." you said and laughed a little.
"How have you been y/n , it's been a while. I want to listen to your stories from work, just like we used to.." she said and smiled.

She also ordered her coffee."I wanna talk about work, but we need to talk about something important first.." you said and took a sip from your coffee cup. "Of course girl, go ahead.." she said with a reassuring tone. "It's about Max, I just feel like you are the only person who can actually make him change his mind. He's stubborn.." you started saying.

"What's bothering you y/n, is it the reason you took a break.." she asked. "Well yes, but not exactly. There's a backstory. You know how difficult was to keep up with my relationship with Max. And then the breakup. It was even worse. I broke down completely.." you started saying and she just nodded. "Well I started, kinda , seeing somebody new. And Max always gets involved in. He has made me feel uncomfortable in every way possible.." you added.

"You know that I don't hate your brother. It's actually the opposite. He was a big part of my life and he still is due to work. But I'd like it if you could speak to him. As a non biased person when it comes to F1. Someone who understands the feelings between two exes.." you said and sighed. "I am really sorry y/n, I feel bad for the way he treated you. I was always saying that you are a very special person. You didn't deserve it.." she said and took a big breath. "what do you want me to say to him..?" She asked.

"Maybe you should remind him the fact that it's okay to move on, leave people in the past. It doesn't mean that if you move on you'll lose the person from your life. I broke up with Max but me and you remained good friends Victoria. I just want him to stop acting like he has power over me. I am not an object.." you said and looked down. Tears were starting to form but you tried your best to remain calm.

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