Science fiction. Time raiders

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Science fiction. Time raiders

We have been living in this part of the universe for more than 10 million years now. And yesterday our galaxy expanded because of a secret process that takes place within all galaxies. It will be so with our nearest Milky Way galaxy too, and when galaxies expand everything disobeys all known laws of physics. To the extent that nothing in the galaxy and its surrounding space remains stable any longer. And we have been cast in this unstable universe in our spaceship that is unable to cruise through space.

We cannot stay longer in this crumbling universe because the time raiders are always seeking galaxies that are falling apart due to the process of uncontrolled expansion. The time raiders can easily navigate through these order deprived galaxies because they fly on specific tracks which they determine via a technology exclusively known to them. And when they are in these galaxies their goal is to steal time from the planets hosting intelligent life forms, and right now we are on their radar because they know we are stuck, and our planet contains intelligent life form i.e. us.

With our planet travelling towards a black hole it was imperative that the intelligent life form occupying the planet would leave if it wanted to survive. And that is what we did. But while we were leaving the time raiders created a time loop and got us entangled in it. And now we are finding it difficult to free ourselves from this entanglement, but nothing appears to be working. Nothing at all. We are caught in this fragment of collapsing space and we are being chased by the time raiders who will do whatever it takes to steal from us. Everything and anything!

Our belief has always been that time raiders manipulate time and when they do it, they steal everything from the civilisation trying to escape the galaxy falling apart. And we do not want to lose even a single moment of time that actually belongs to us. It is our galactic inheritance that nobody can claim from us forcefully.

But how we will respond to this threat is the point of major discussion among our scientists who at the moment have no idea about how to break free from their web of time entanglements.

This phenomenon is understood by our scientists, but they are unable to understand how to break free from it. Usually when time entanglement takes place the space around the object should be highly unstable, with all fundamental forces of the universe behaving in unexpected ways. And since our galaxy is falling apart the space around everything is unstable, this results in time fluxes. But somehow the Time raiders seem to know everything about these time fluxes and they are able to develop time tracks that offer them stable passage through this chaos ridden universe.

Not only that, they can trap a civilisation in this time based mirage where nothing is real, but since everything is disoriented, their projected time loop traps the civilisation in its false perception. Thus getting locked in it as long as the Time Raiders do not undo the time loop.

We can see them approaching in their spaceships, but we have been seeing them approaching at the same distance and in the same orientation for almost a week now. And it may happen they will raid us just now and we may not even know about it, since we are living in a false perception based time loop created by them. And in these raids they usually steal spaceships, food reserves, highly valuable radioactive material that powers our nuclear batteries, and in worst cases they suck out our energy particles and store them in special chambers where they harness them to enhance the lives of their wise beings, who many believe to be more than 10,000 years old. They are the source of all knowledge Time Raiders possess about time and space.

As of now we are living with this fear and it maybe so for many weeks because our scientists have given up, and they cannot understand the time loops and time entanglements that the Time Raiders use to trap civilisations. So, we are left with just one option, wait for them to raid our spaceship.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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