Four x Reader x Two

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I'm going back to school this monday, my end is near 😻


(Don't mind O/N drowning, one of their 2763 husbands will come save them)

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(Don't mind O/N drowning, one of their 2763 husbands will come save them)

Requested by @n3wb1e4lliance_
As requested, "they fight over reader" :3

Notes :
-O/N = object name (ofc)
-Gender neutral reader (they/them)
-Doesn't take place on an episode in particular, though there's a part of bfb 16 as a flashback :p
-I've never written multiple characters x reader so i'm sorry if this is weird :,(
Text like this = flashback


When the split happened, Four was upset because they lost a lot of contestants, not because of who they were. He couldn't care less about some of them switching to TPOT, but then his biggest loss happened.

"O/N, are you joining too?"

"Of course I am! Wait for me!"

Four panicked. What was the point of hosting bfb if his favourite contestant was going to leave? He had rigged the votes for O/N to stay before, -much to X's disapproval- only for them to leave him.

"Uh, well... i didn't wanna have to do this, but what if we upgrade to... a BFB?"

O/N didn't even react. They were speaking with some other contestants.

"Gah! O/N, aren't you interested in that BFB? Don't you want to stay with me and battle for it?"

Four desperately attempted to get O/N back one last time, despite knowing this would surely fail.

"...Well, i'm pretty interested in it, but i just think the power's better!"

Four was gonna speak again, but they were interrupted by Two.

"...Because we can't have two competitions in the same place, Four's crew, youuu're gonna have to go."


When Four and X began cooking at the hotel, the thought of O/N obviously crossed Four's mind, although they were a bit shy to speak to them. It had been years, after all.
...Besides O/N probably got closer to Two now.

Four just gave up on trying to befriend O/N again, but the object hadn't. They'd always try to find a moment where Four wasn't busy, and preferably wasn't in the hotel kitchen, and eventually...

"Hiya! Long time no see!"

Four had to blink a few times to process O/N's presence. The encounter was unexpected and now Four felt flustered for some reason.

"O/N! How's TPOT? Are you-"

"Halt, Halt! A new challenge starts soon, O/N, you should return to challenge grounds."

The two had only reunited for less than a minute and were already interrupted by Two, who glared daggers at Four.

"Come on, I'll walk you there."

"Can Four come too?"

Two winced at the question. They had been trying to find a moment alone with O/N, yet O/N was trying the same thing with Four.

"...Alright, I suppose."

The green number scoffed, earning a glare from Four

"What do you mean 'I suppose' ? I'll let you know i knew O/N way before you did!!"

"I'll let you know O/N is competing on my show. Not yours."

O/N awkwardly stood there, waiting for the two to finish their quarrel. It seemed endless...

"I'll let you know, O/N would pick me over you any day!!"

"Why'd they join my show then? Hm? They clearly chose me over you.

Four couldn't think of a comeback, so he turned to the object

"Tell them, O/N!!"

"I joined TPOT for the prize, not for you, Two. The same way i left BFB because i didn't like its prize, not because it was Four hosting it. I don't have a favourite between you two."

Both numerals blinked in surprise.

"...But if you had to choose, who would-"

"Neither of you. I like you both to the same degree. Now c'mere."

O/N opened their arms, initiating a group hug. Maybe they could help Four and Two overcome their rivalry and be friends, and maybe this relationship could get somewhere...


685 words
Next oneshot is Lightning x Reader (requested by @Cclockworkk)

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