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- S H I V I K A's P O V -

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- S H I V I K A's P O V -

I flickered my eyes to open them as I felt my throat drying. I want water. Sitting straight on the bed, I gulped my saliva through my dry throat as I glanced at the wall clock. 2:30 am. It read. My eyes went to the night stand beside the bed as I found the water jug empty. A deep sigh left my lips.

God, now I have to go downstairs and bring a bottle. I huffed not wanting to go as I was being lazy but I needed water to calm my throat or else I won't be able to sleep peacefully. I glanced at the girl sleeping beside me. Mouth opened while her hands were hugging a pillow. I shook my head and hopped down the bed before wearing my crocs. I rubbed my eyes and made my way towards the kitchen.

Entering the kitchen I slid my hands on the wall to find the switch board as it was very dark. I couldn't see anything. And I finally found the switchboard with so much struggle. But my eyes widened as I felt a hand on mine.


A scream left my mouth but the hand was now on my mouth making it shut but i was still trying to take the hand off my lips. It was a man's hand. I gripped on that hand and wiggled as the person wrapped his arms around my shoulder making my heart beat rise.That scent. It was familiar but I was too focused on taking that hand off but his grip was stronger.

" Shhh!! It's me, shivika. "

I heard a familiar voice. Atharv? And finally he switched on the lights making me get a clear view of the kitchen. I turned my head towards him who was standing behind me while his one hand wrapped around my shoulder and one still covered my mouth. My heart skipped a beat. I felt heat rushing towards my cheeks.

His messy hair while his deep dark brown eyes locked with mine. If perfect was a person, it would surely be him. He was dressed in a white tee with black pajamas. Realizing our position I tried to speak but his hand was covering my mouth making it hard for me to speak.



He asked while his brows touched together. I motioned my eyes towards his hands as he realized that he was still covering my mouth. He bit his tongue and moved back a little. I fixed my posture as he scratched his nape. We were still staring at each. I don't know why but once I look into his eyes, it's hard for me to look away. I can stare into his orbs for years without looking away. His eyes are magical.

Our eye contact broke when we heard dadi's voice.

" are kon hai vaha!! "

My eyes widened thinking how will she react if she saw us together? She will surely get a bad idea and on top of that it was past midnight. It was because of how loud I screamed. She is a soft sleeper. I peeped out of the kitchen and found her coming towards our direction.

" oh shit! She can't see us together!"

I mumbled as I held my head. I looked in his direction and found him looking at me with a raised brow. He understood from my reaction and the next moment I was dragged by him to a corner where she couldn't notice us.

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