3. Mrs Jeon Y/n

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As the clicking sound of heels echoed through the hallway, the entire office seemed to come alive. Kookie's heart quickened with each approaching step, and he knew that the moment he had been waiting for was imminent. The atmosphere buzzed with a mixture of excitement and respect as employees and associates greeted the formidable woman making her way to her office.

Kookie, however, couldn't contain his excitement any longer. He darted towards the office door, his little feet pattering on the carpet. When the door swung open, there she was, his mother—Mrs. Jeon is a woman of grace and power. Kookie threw himself into her arms, his voice filled with pure, unbridled joy. "Mom, I missed you!"

Mrs. Jeon's eyes widened with surprise and delight as she looked down at her son. "I didn't know you guys were coming today, darling. What a surprise!" She knelt to his level, her heart swelling with affection.

Kookie, his eyes sparkling with mischief, replied, "If I told you, what kind of surprise would it be, huh?"

Mrs. Jeon embraced her son tightly, tears of happiness threatening to escape. "Right. Oh, I missed my baby so much."

Her reunion with Kookie was a moment of pure maternal love and joy. Afterward, she turned her attention to Kookie's grandmother, a loving figure who had been a pillar of support in both their lives. She embraced her too, saying, "I missed you, Mom. How are you?"

Kookie's grandma couldn't help but chide her daughter gently. "Y/N, darling, I'm fine. But you look so weak. Aren't you eating well these days? I think you're working too hard, huh?" Her playful scolding brought a smile to Kookie's face.

Kookie, still in the warmth of his mother's embrace, seized the opportunity to request with his big, puppy-dog eyes. "Mom, my winter vacation has started. Can I come and live with you in your mansion?"

Y/N hesitated, her thoughts filled with the demanding schedule of her business and other commitments. She looked at her son, concern in her eyes. "Are you sure, Kookie? I have a very busy schedule this month, baby. Do you want to come to my mansion?"

Kookie turned to his grandmother, who nodded with a reassuring smile, understanding the depth of his desire to be with his mother. "Oui, maman," Kookie responded with enthusiasm.

Y/N chuckled, delighted by her son's growing language skills. "Oh, I see someone is learning French."

Kookie beamed and replied in his adorable voice, "Oui, oui."

The decision was made. Kookie's winter vacation would be spent with his mother, and the joy of their reunion and the promise of time together in Y/N's mansion filled the room with warmth and happiness. The bond between mother, son, and grandmother was unbreakable, and they were ready to make the most of this precious time together.

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