Chapter 1 - Treehouse Of Horror

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Chapter 1 - TreeHouse Of Horror

I paid the cab driver and stepped out , walking towards the door with my bags . After years away from Springfield i couldn't wait to see my family again.

I missed mom's big blue head , dad's Lenny and Carl stories and even Bart's creative yet annoying pranks .

But most of all , i missed my older sister Lisa . I wasn't sure she'd be here . She said she would but where she works it's hard to take time off .

When she was in college , everyone found out how much of a genius she is . Of course i already knew . She graduated early and is now the most successful environmental lawyer in the business . Just last month she busted a company that was illegally killing endangered species for the sake of their stupid products and they had to close down. Not to mention how it was thanks to her that all the schools in America are now obligated to offer vegetarian meals as well as the normal ones in their cafeterias .

I missed her so much . We always got along great , she was my idol, my best friend , my everything .

However , i didn't follow in her footsteps , i love my sister to bits and pieces but i am my own person . I majored in forensic sciences and now i'm one of the best detectives in the country .

So i guess i kind of did follow in her footsteps , we both bust bad guys and we're both the best at what we do . But would you really expect any less of the brilliant Simpson sisters ?

Bart was now in the army , turns out his pranks weren't a waste of time . What he does now is put together strategies for attacks on the enemy , he's also the best in his business but hey , he's been training his whole life , he was for born it .

After all us kids left the house , my mom took a job as a tutor to busy herself . And guess what ? She was the best tutor in the town . No surprise there .

My dad got fired from the power plant after causing yet another explosion . But he got a job at the duff brewery , as a beer tester . Basically , he got paid triple what he was paid before to do nothing but taste beer all day and tell the people he worked for his opinion . His dream job .

As you might've collected , all of this means that me and my siblings haven't seen our parents in a while and today , this beautiful beautiful day , was our reunion . We all took breaks off work for a week to spend some time together .

However my excitement was cut short when i arrived at the door. I'm a detective so naturally i can sense when something's not right.

The first sign was how quite the place was , and if you know my family at all , you'd know that quite doesn't work for us .

The second sign was the door . It was open . Why would they leave the door open like that ? That wasn't like them .

The third sign was the smell . The awful awful stench .

My heart raced. This was your typical crime scene .

i didn't want to believe it . But i had to , i had to believe it when i walked inside the living room . What other choice did i have when my entire family , My ants and Grandma included , were dead before my eyes .

My brother had a bullet in his forehead , he was slumped on the ground in front of the couch , his head falling back on mom's lap , from the looks of it , he took a bullet for her .

Behind him , my mother's chest was a bloody mess . She was shot multiple times in the chest .

My dad got shot under the belt and in the head . If they shot him under the belt first , that must mean be suffered before dying .

My knees got all wobbly. Tears rolled down my face . This couldn't be happening .

Paty and Selma both had bullets in their necks , and my grandma was unwounded . Maybe she died of a heart-attack when she saw the scene .

Wait , where was Lisa ? Maybe she was still alive ?!

With my heart thumping in excitement i ran to the kitchen . There , Grandpa Simpson lay dead on the floor with a knife in his back .

I felt my breakfast climb up my throat but i couldn't get sick now , i needed to find Lisa first .

I searched the rest of the house but found nothing . Nothing was stolen , just a few broken ornaments here and there . The tv screen in the living room was cracked. And the coffee table was broken . Mom's favorite lamp lay in pieces on the ground .

Maybe Lisa hasn't arrived yet . Maybe she was running late or wasn't coming at all .

I took out my cellphone and dialed her number . I heard her phone ring under the broken chunks of wood that used to be our coffee table .

Ok well maybe she got away ? Maybe she's safe .

But no she would've contacted me somehow if that were the case .

" Lisa ?" I yell out but get no response . " Lisa ?" I try again .

I decided to go outside to the backyard to search for her there and i immediately wished i didn't .

My stomach couldn't take it anymore and i ended up throwing up on the soft green grass .

I've seen corpses before and though i was never thrilled to see them i was always able to keep my food down . But this was different , they weren't strangers , this was my family the people i loved the most .

The people i missed for so long and will never see or talk to again . Mom will never hug me again , my dad will never tell me another Lenny and Carl story , Bart will never put plastic insects in my food to startle me again , and Lisa will never tell me how proud she is of me , ever ever again .

With these thoughts in my mind i puked again , this time hurling bile instead of food .

I looked back up at my sister , hanging by her neck from the tree , so lifeless so dead , right under our old treehouse .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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