First day at work

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First day of College sucks. After summer break I have to go back and wake up at 6:00 each day. Classes, classes, and more classes. Math, History, Science, it all sucks ass. I don't want to go, I want to find a way out of this hellish college, but where? Every single turn I take in this place I feel like I can't find a way out until classes are over.

As I walk through the halls I notice a bunch of posters...

"Bodyguard needed?"

Theres an address, a phone number, I could use the money too...

Alright, I'll do it. It'll be easy anyway, It's probably just some bratty 8 year old.

Oh how wrong I was.

"Alright this should be the place..."

As expected, big mansion with big gates, cars upon cars, neat gardens, and a marble fountain with gold statues all around it. This should be great.

I pushed the intercom button, a voice came through it.

"Hello? Who must this be?" The man on the other side of the intercom sounded so familiar, yet so far.

"I'm here for the bodyguard job?" I sound so nervous, god I hated this already.

"The bodyguard job! Come on in then."

The big gate opened. I walked in and trust me, it was quite the sight to behold. Marble EVERYWHERE. Where can you find that much marble? Here, that's where.

"Just this way." A man with a shiny bald head and perfect French mustache, grey by the way.

"Yes sir."

"Please, call me Fred."

"My names Noah."

"I'm glad to have met you, Noah." He then walked up the marble stairs. I followed behind him, looking at my surroundings. This place was bigger then an amusement park. Just looking through the window I could tell this place goes on for miles.

"Through this door is the person you'll guarding. Yet again, it was nice to meet you, Noah." Fred walked away, attending to his other things.

I turn the knob and close my eyes. I open the door.

"Who is it?"

I saw a boy, well, more of a man, my age, about 21. He was facing a jumble of monitors, headphones on his neck as he swiveled in his rolling chair, he had sweatpants and a black shirt on.

"Well? Who are you?" His dark brown hair and his blue eyes were very contrasting and... Pretty...

"Noah, the names Noah. I'm here for a bodyguard job..."

"DAMN IT FRED!!" He yelled, I could hear a faint laugh from another room, must've been Fred. The guy sighed, he got up from his chair and stretched. His waist was so shaped, is was almost grip-able. (Not a word btw, I just couldn't find a word for this moment)

At first it didn't look like he had muscles, but he DEFINITELY did. He had the "gamer build" where you were lazy but still really strong. And oh boy was he strong, he looked it.

"My names Damien. It's nice to meet you." He held his hand out for me to shake. His hand was bigger than mine, his fingers were slim and kinda hot. But you didn't hear that from me.

I shook his hand. My ears felt warm, my stomach felt like it was about to flip. I don't know why I feel like this, but I think I like it...
-Zoey <3
583 words including A/N

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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