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I grabbed my textbook and notebook for biology and slammed my locker shut. Next to me my twin sister Norah was grabbing her binder for Honors English.

"Off to the worst class ever." I complained.
"School is what you make of it." Norah said, smiling at me.
"Yeah, well, school sucks so..."
"Lighten up Abbie." Norah said, nudging me.

She shut her locker and we headed down the hallway, side by side.
"Okay well, try to have fun Abbs." Norah told me. I nodded.
"Yeah, yeah you too." I answered.

Norah took a right and I took a left. I walked by myself until I reached the classroom. I stopped right outside the door. I could just skip class, I was failing anyways. Not because I wasn't smart, I was very smart. I just chose to spend my time reading and writing and thinking about books instead of paying attention in class. But, thinking about what Norah would say when she found out that I had skipped, I took a deep breath and walked in.

I turned in my homework, which wasn't done, and took my assigned seat next to a girl whose name I didn't even know.

I tried to pay attention. I really did. But my mind always drifted to a book that I was reading or writing. The teacher was just droning on and on. I took the notes and did the lab but I never got INTO the class. Everything went in one ear and out the other. Finally the bell rang. I shot out of my seat, gathered my things and bolted out the door.

I walked back to the intersection where Norah and I had split up to go to our separate classes. She was waiting there, as usual, with a smile plastered on her face.

"How was bio?" She asked me, all too enthusiastic. I shrugged.
"You went right?"
"Yes Norah. I went. But I learned nothing. I just can never stay focused on the lesson. It's so boring!"

We arrived at our lockers. I threw my stuff into my locker. Norah placed her binder gently back into the place where it had been before. I grabbed my paper bag lunch. Norah grabbed hers.

"How about we eat in the courtyard today?" Norah suggested.
"Yeah, sure." I said.

We walked down the hallway and the into the office. The secretary was typing away on her computer.
"Excuse us." Norah said, "May we have a pass to eat in the courtyard today?"
The secretary looked up and smiled at my sister.
"Absolutely. Have fun girls." She scribbled out a note on a piece of paper and handed it to Norah.

We sat down at the picnic table. It was sunny and warm out. I was wearing black skinny jeans and a light purple tank top with my long, straight brown hair up in a messy bun. Norah on the other hand, was looking perfect as usual in a yellow sundress and her long, brown hair hanging down her back in loose waves. She smiled at me and opened her lunch. I returned the smile and opened mine.

"So, how has your day been so far?" Norah asked.
"Sucky as usual." I sighed. I took a bite of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
"Abbie! You don't even try to be positive. Come on, school isn't that bad!" Norah groaned.
"Norah, you don't understand. You are little miss popular. You're pretty, nice, and really smart. Everyone wants to be your friend. I am the girl who sits in class and then leaves as soon as the bell rings. I don't talk to anyone really. I'm failing like, three classes. School bores me. I want to just graduate and start writing books!" I yelled.

I saw a tear slip out of Norah's eye.
"No, Norah, don't cry. It's just who I am." I sighed. I took her in my arms.
"Abbie, you're so smart! You just, you don't try!" Norah sniffled.

I let her out of my arms.
"I try to learn Norah, I do. It's just, I don't know. It doesn't stay in my head. I think about books and writing like, 24/7."
"I know Abbie. You know what you need? A friend. And a boyfriend would probably cheer you up too."
"Nope. Absolutely NOT. A friend, maybe. But a boyfriend? Get real Norah." I complained.
"Whatever you say Abbs." Norah sighed. I saw her look at me though and smile mischievously.

Not. Good. Norah was always trying to get in my social life, taking me to parties, making me sit with her and her popular friends at lunch. And it hadn't worked. I had literally no friends. That was fine with me. More time to read and write. But my sister wouldn't give up.

We sat in silence the rest of lunch. I ate the rest of my sandwich, a bag of Cheetos, and a cookie. Norah kept quiet. Then the bell rang. I got up and threw my garbage into the trash. Norah threw hers away too and we walked back into the school.

Norah was quickly bombarded by her friends who were getting her caught up on all of the gossip that she had missed in lunch. I walked quickly to my locker and grabbed my binder for history. Another of my least favorite classes. I slammed my locker and headed for another forty minutes of pure torture.

Blah, blah, blah. Old stuff, old people, old wars. Who cares? History dragged on forever. Finally, FINALLY! The bell rang and I literally ran out of the room. It was time for Honors English, my only Honors class.

Norah was waiting at my locker.
"I'm sorry I never got to talk to you before you went to history." She apologized. I shrugged. I grabbed my English textbook and notebook and closed my locker. I turned to my sister and smiled. She smiled back.
"Time for English?"
"Yes!" I squealed. Norah laughed.

I ran into the Honors English room and sat down. The teacher walked in and my favorite class of the day began.

I took notes, read out loud, asked questions and gave answers. I thrived in this class. I had a grade of 101.99. I really enjoyed doing extra credit. The teacher assigned our homework and I started immediately.

"Do you understand this?" The guy sitting next to me asked. I looked up. He was pointing to question one in the textbook.
"Yeah, just write about how you feel that the main character responded to the problem in this chapter." I answered.
"Thanks." He flashed a smile at me and then began writing his answer. I continued working on my homework.
"Hey, what's your name?" He suddenly asked.
"Uh, Abbie." I sputtered.
"Nice to meet you Abbie. I'm Blake." He smiled again.

Suddenly the bell rang. I gathered my things, slower than usual this time. I walked out of the room. Blake was walking right beside me.
"What do you have now?" He asked.
"Study hall in the library." I replied.
"I'm getting the feeling that you like books. I'm in like, a ton of your classes but you never really pay attention. Then in English you perked up like a kid on Christmas morning."
I blushed. I arrived at my locker.
"Uh yeah." I answered. I looked up and smiled. Blake smiled back at me.

"I have to go." I blurted.
"Oh! Yeah, sure, sorry to hold you up." He said.
"I'll see you around I guess." I waved as Blake walked away.

"He's cute." Norah drawled. I turned around and blushed.
"He just had a question in English. Then he followed me here."
"Sure, if that's all it was." Norah winked and walked away.

I shook my head and walked to the library.

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