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'Dammit!' I cursed in my head as I tried to get up but my body didn't respond to me , it's as if I'm paralysed !! The doctor said it was just a fever , then why does it feel so painful, my body is burning up on a high temperature and yet I feel so cold on the inside, my head is pounding with pain and I'm barely able to keep myself awake , clearly this isn't a mere fever , but if it isn't why did the doctor say it was only a fever! Unless...
"Gasp!! My lady what on earth do you think you're doing you should be resting!!!" I winced at Priscilla my personal maid's loud voice, pretty loud don't you think? Priscilla then ran to my side and helped me to sit on the bed
"*Sniffle*" huh? I looked at Priscilla and she was crying ?
"My you plan on leaving me all alone in this world? You're so sick and you're not resting! *Sob* how could you!! You're so cruel!!"  To be frank I'm not surprised by her behaviour, Priscilla is very dramatic and she cares deeply for me , too deap in my opinion but who cares? 
"Priscilla" I tried to give her a reassuring smile
"I'll be alright.. it's just a silly little fever" I know I said that but who am I kidding! My head feels like it's going to explode, Priscilla stopped crying for a few seconds before she resumed crying but quieter this time around
" Wah!!!"
"Priscilla..." My poor ears , ugh! My headache is getting worse ..I closed my eyes and tried to calm my breathing,*gasp!* I heard Priscilla's infamous gasp
"My goodness!! My lady you're burning up!!are you going to die? , just wait I'll go get you a doctor!!"
"Wait!" I immediately held her hand thus preventing her from leaving, I had a bad feeling, how could a doctor mistake my illness for a mere fever , a highly trained doctor at that , no , there must be something going on, I paused in thought, could it be that I was poisoned? , if so , how did I not notice?
"My lady?" Priscilla looked at me worriedly but I could tell she was in thought as well, her eyes then widened , heh... seems like she had come to the same conclusion as well. She gasped and covered her mouth in shock and her eyes became teary , oh dear *sigh* she's going to cry again
"My lady*sniffle* could it be?" I nodded in affirmation, asides from my guts telling me that I was right, if I really had a fever, my body would have healed itself already, which is one of the many  side effects of having such powerful mana . But it hasn't, which means the poison I was fed contained mana restraints , which explains why I didn't notice the poison.  Whoever did this, is really clever..
"M-my lady ! What do we do now!"  Priscilla whispered and sat next to me  while holding my hands , I was about to talk when I began to cough out blood
"Ahh! My lady !!" Priscilla began to panic as she immediately wiped off the blood with her apron, her hands trembled and she looked like she was trying her hardest not to cry , I patted her her on the head lightly
"I'll be fine alright?" She nodded and I whispered in her ear
" Go tell Felix"
"Huh?" Priscilla gave me a 'are you sure?'  look , I nodded in response, if there was anyone who could help , it was him , besides he and Priscilla were the only ones I trusted the most , even though he was a jerk at times, Priscilla looked uncertain but went anyway , but, yet for some reason the bad feeling I was getting grew worse
"!!!" That was Priscilla, what caused her to gasp so loudly
"Priscil-" I stopped mid sentence when Adrien, my so called brother walked in with him behind Priscilla, he was pressing his hand over Priscilla's mouth and held a knife to her neck , my eyes widened and I immediately tried to rush to them , only to fall face first, what the heck? I couldn't feel my legs , no...I looked at Adrien and he smiled sadistically.
"Hello elder sister~ , How's it going in the hood?" I tried my hardest not to cry
"Adrien... don't...hurt...her" I said fearful for Priscilla's life , she looked so scared , not to mention how she was already crying, Adrien rolled his eyes
"And why should I do that?" 
"Because..." I don't want you to hurt her , I see how it is now, you're using her as bait , I hung my head low in defeat
" You want something don't you?" Adrien grinned upon hearing my words
"Why of course~ why do you think I'm doing all this" he chuckled, I clenched my fist
"What do you want?" I spat out with anger , whatever he does he must not hurt Priscilla
" Hehe~cold as always dear sister , anyways I was hoping you'd ask that question, what I want." His eyes grew cold and meanacing as he completed his words
"Is you dead , and the throne..mine"  my eyes widened, what the heck!?
"Are you surprised?" He smirked sadistically and tapped Priscilla's cheek
"So what's it going to be? Are you going to give me what I want, or your friend here goes to He-ack!" He yelled in pain as Priscilla suddenly bit one of his fingers off, literally, I didn't know she could do that!!  She then kicked him in the shin and punched him , was it just me or her teeth had somehow become pointed , and yet it made her look beautiful
"You hurt my lady? You get a good ass whiping!" She exclaimed and kicked him hard , she then rushed to me and Began to help me up , I gave her a pained smile as she did so , but she didn't respond, infact a dark shadow cast over her face
"Priscilla? " I had that bad feeling again, did something happen before that jerk called Adrien attacked her?
"Priscilla, where is Felix?" The words just rolled out of my tounge , no , there's no way, as if confirming my thoughts, Priscilla flinched and sobbed
"Answer me!" I yelled as my heart beat increased
"He was murdered" I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces, he was what? There's no way!  It's just not possible!! She must be joking right?
" You're joking" I said with a trembling voice, I prayed with all my heart that it was just a cruel joke , that she was simply lying, but no , Priscilla looked me in the eye and shook her head , I choked and fell as my knees grew weak , the tears that I had been holding in all this time came out in a hot temperature
"!! My lady!!" Priscilla immediately tried to help me while she was crying herself, why? Why did all this happen, just yesterday we were all happy playing and laughing in my birthday party , but now? It's all falling to pieces? Everything that I tried so hard to protect, is-
*Gasp* Priscilla! My eyes widened as a sword went through her heart with Adrien standing right behind her , what?
"P-priscilla!" Her blood spilled on the ground and in seconds I was surrounded by her blood, she fell unto me but I supported her , her eyes were dimming and blood flowed out from her mouth, and me ? I was too shocked to move
" M-my lady? I'm dieing aren't I? "
"No..." I cried the more and held her close
"Silly don't lie" she chuckled weakly and continued
"Listen, I've always wanted to say this, I'm so grateful for you and your kindness towards me , you're the best Mistress I've ever served , and though it sounds cringy but , I will not allow myself to go , I'll always be with you"  she then closed her eyes and her hand fell lifeless on the ground
" Priscilla?, Priscilla? Please don't go! NOOOOO!!" I began to weep as I hugged her close , perhaps I could help her ..I then tried to use my mana to heal her but I ended up coughing out blood
"Tch! It's no use" Adrien pulled out his sword and flung Priscilla's body aside .
"No" I wimpered still unable to move , Adrien then laughed mockingly at me
"That poison really did wonders for me , I'll have to thank that anonymous witch later" he mused, Witch? Adrien really went that far? He hated me to that extent!!!!?
(Witches are forbidden and scarce , and really hard to find)  no wonder that Poison worked , Adrien than grabbed me by the hair and threw me across the room , I let out a shout as I felt my bones break easily, so the poison really weakened even the bones , I feel so much pain right now , but really? What did I do to deserve this?
"Why are you doing this, I've never done anything to you!!!" I yelled out in anger despite my pain , truly I even tried to be on good terms with him , Adrien scoffed
" It's just that I want the throne-"
"You could have just objected during my coronation, why did you-" SLAP!
" why are you surprised ? I thought you enjoyed being in the spotlight"
"Y-you slapped me-" SLAP!!
"And i did it again, what are you going to do about it ? Tch! Honestly though, i don't get what anyone sees in you , you're just a spoilt brat " Adrien then whispered in my ear
" Quite frankly , I've always wanted you dead from the very beginning and why you might ask? Well you stole everything from me and now , I'm taking everything from you " i gritted my teeth , right now i wanted to kill him right there and then , how dare he?
"You're reason is not justified" i spat and he rolled his eyes and stood up
"It doesn't have to" he then placed his sword to my neck
"Any last words?"
"Ha! Guess not!" He then slit my neck , blood spilled and he didn't even flinch , instead he smirked
"Ah! Finally, she's gotten rid of-" he stopped mid-sentence when I suddenly lept and pinned him down, my eyes glowed a strong yellow and my  thirst for revenge was still as hot as the core of the earth , I pulled out a sharp dagger I spotted nearby, Adrien looked horrified
"How are you-"  he stuttered and I then leaned in and whispered in his ear
" Stupid, I'm the best out there , did you really think I'll die just like that? I'll have to kill you first, if you were to become king , there's no doubt that this kingdom will suffer , therefore you must die , this,is for Priscilla " I then ripped/cut out his whole arm causing him to scream in pain but I wasn't done yet
"This , is for Felix" I ripped/cut out his second arm , he screamed and began to beg for his life , but they fell on deaf ears , he killed the two people I loved the most , he deserved to die .
"This , is for our parents!" I pierced his heart and his eyes widened causing me to smirk
"Oh, you think that I did not know, of course you selfish bastard" I turned the dagger in his wound and he coughed out blood
"Now to end your life !" I swopped my hand and his head came rolling out, disconnected from his body , my eyes turned back to normal and I gasped as I lost all feeling everywhere and fell to the ground, I had lost too much blood, and I was going to die anyway. My tears continued to flow , at least, I would be able to reunite with the ones I love the most , and the kingdom of Illyria won't suffer , I smiled as my vision became blurry , I would go in peace....I saw a flash of blue light before I was finally obscured by the darkness. 

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