1.the beginning

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Reader's pov:

'When is the lecture going to finish. .' You sighed as you stared blankly at the board in front of you while the teacher was explaining a certain topic,
"Hey, y/n!" Your best friend who is also your seatmate whispered yelled at you, trying to gain your attention
"Hmm?" You than looked at her direction and you saw that she was holding two bags of chips,
"Hehe~ I bought this two chips so that we could share it! " She replied cheekily still being as quite as possible,
You made an "o" Shape with your mouth and quickly gave a quick thumbs up to your best friend, appreciating her,  "well done yuki" You complimented

Yuki has been your best friend since like elementary school, and the two of you were stick to each other like magnets,  she is very cheerful and a total crack head, but she's your crack head and you love her (as a friend btw),

Timeskip after class__________

"Yo! Y/n can you help me with carrying this boxes to the store room!" One of your classmate shouted,
"Sure!" You replied, you decided you might as well do something other than walk around the campus during your break, you didn't want to bother yuki to hang out with you rn cause she had to attend some extra classes,

"Thanks y/n" Your classmate spoke as you and him headed down the staircase, while carrying the boxes,
"No problem" You replied with a smile,
"Oh by the wa-! " You were cut off from your words when your foot accidentally slip while you walked down the the stairs, making you fall and hit your head on the concrete,

Everything was blurry, you heard your classmate call out your name, your eyes began to shut close little by little making everything around you turn pitch black
'Am I seriously dieing. . . '


No one's pov:



Y/n jolted awake from her bed. . . Wait. . .  bed!?

The girl was dumbfounded, how was she on a bed and more than that in the house her parents and her used to live, she clearly remember that this house was sold to Someone else when her parents past away, and she stayed with her grandparents, but how the hell was she here again!?
The girl stayed on the bed still processing about what's going on, didn't she slip and fell off the stairs. . .
But how the hell was she back at her previous home?

Is it a dream, was she dreaming, some kind of nightmare, but it feels too real to be a dream. .

"Y/n! Breakfast is ready!"
Y/n than heard a voice called out to her, maybe from the kitchen?. . It was a more feminine voice, which gave y/n a very nostalgic feeling. .

She slowly got out of the bed and went the the stairs, it was all so nostalgias, the same decorations and furniture, it almost made her break down again, all those memories came rushing down at her all at ones,
The memories she wished to forget not because she hate then rather because it hurts to find out that her beloved parents were not there anymore.

Y/n than slowly reach near the kitchen door and saw it. . The people which she missed more than her own life. . Her parents, her mom wearing her favorite apron and making breakfast like the past, and your dad reading the newspaper. . She didn't know what to say, she stood there blankly staring at the two,
Y/n's mother than notice her daughter y/n standing near the door and staring blankly,

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