2. brothers?

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____convenient store__________

Reader's pov:

You were confused on what kind of ramen you should get, cause oh boy, all of them looked so delicious! But too bad you can't buy every single flavor, if you did you might become a beggar. .

"Y/n!, hi! "
Just than someone called your name from behind you making you turn around to face a male with purple hair, which you recognised as reo mikage

"What a coincidence! Didn't know I would be meeting you today" Reo gave a closed eyed smile,

"Oh, me too, reo-senpai" You also replied and gave the purple haired male a closed eyed smile, which made reo's ear turn slightly red, which you didn't notice as you were lost in your own thoughts,

'Wow. . Before I possess this body. . How many blue lock characters did I even interacted with?. . '

You came to know reo as someone who goes to the same school as you, and you met him during a sport festival, and you also came to know that you were in the volleyball Club as well, playing as a setter and you were like one of the top setters, wow. . What a surprise,
Reo took a liking to you after watching one of your match against another school which was also very well know for their talented volleyball players, but your school beat them, and from that moment reo has been sticking to you along with his best friend nagi from that day onwards,

"Oh, where you getting ramen? " Reo asked as he noticed the two ramen packets that you were holding,

"Yup" You answered, "btw, which one do you think is more tasty reo-senpai?" "This red one or this green one? " You asked the male in front of you,
"Hmm. . Maybe the red one? " He pointes to the ramen you were holding on your right hand,
"Oh, this? " You asked and looked at the packet and you were shocked, you didn't know why you even picked this, like this ramen was so expensive!?
'Uh. . . Wtf why is this one so expensive?. .' you looked at the price with a disbelief expression,
"Umm. . . I'll maybe get a lest expensive one instead reo-senpai. . But thankyou for your opinion! "
You replied as you also thanked reo for giving his opinion,

"What do you mean expensive? " Reo looked at you a bit confused, as he tiled his head and looked at the price of the ramen,
"Haha. . Actually, I don't have this much amount on me right now, so I won't get this, instead I'm thinking of looking for a cheaper one" You replied as you scratch the back of your neck with an embarrassed expression on your face,

". . . . " For some reason reo went completely silent  and this was making you feel so awkward!
"Umm reo-senpai? " You asked as you looked at him a bit confused,
"I'll buy that ramen for you, y/n" Reo replied as he looked at you and gave you a charming smile
"Eh?. . Wait reo-senpai you don't have to do that!" You protested and tried to push reo hands from putting the pack of ramen in your basket, but reo kept plastering you that he wanted to buy this for you, and at the end you had to oblige to his offer,

Timeskip_______near you home_______

You don't know how but you now stood there with two giant bags filled with snacks and sweets which could literally last you a whole month!
Reo was insisting on buying every snack you looked at!?, is this what it feels to have a sugar daddy-?,

"Thank you reo-senpai for this snacks. ." You said as you scratched the side of your cheeks with a slight maroon dusted on your cheeks from embarrassment, "your welcome y/n" Reo replied as he gave you his signature grin, which was enough to make every girl in your school faint, including you at some point. . . But today you resisted it, even if it was hard as hell,

"Next time, let me treat you instead" You said as you looked at reo with a cheerful expression,
"Umm. . . Uh. . Sure" Reo stuttered as he tried to hide the blush that was threatening to cover his face,
You obviously notice this one, seeing reo's flustered expression made you let out a soft giggle which didn't go unnoticed by reo, as he stopped and glanced down and looked at you, and hes so glad he did, cause you just looked so gorgeous so beautiful. . .
So perfect for him. . .

❖ 𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 ❖ Blue Lock X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now