4. namikaze high school?

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Reader's pov:

It was pretty much like any other day, wake up, go to school (with nagi and reo), attend classes, and at the evening you have your club actives,

Which you and your team were doing now, you were practicing your serves and every time you did, the group of students which were sitting on the bench would erup into cheers, you didn't hate it but it did borther you a bit, cause the first time they cheered you, you were honestly surprised and almost screamed!?

And thank god, few minutes later the coach dismiss the students, which made things a whole lot easier for you, since you could focus on your serves now,

Your coach than gather the team announcing that your team had a practice match with another school, tomorrow and you all need to reach the school at 6:00 sharp,

The team than erupted into dissatisffing noises, including you yourself, cause who would be even happy to wake up so early?. . .

But stll you all had to agree as this was not something you could just cancel,

___after your volleyball activities were over_______

"Y/n! Over here!"

You turned to the way from which the voice came,

"Reo senpai? , nagi senpai?"

You stared at the two boys in front of you,

"What are you two doing here? "You asked

"Oh, we also finished our soccer practice so we decided to wait for you, so the three of us could walk home together" Reo answered

"Wait. . So the two of you had just been standing here? Without even entering the gym and informing me? " You looked at the two a bit worried that they might have been tired cause today you and your team did stay a bit longer at the gym for few more practices,

"Don't worry, it's no big deal-! " Reo tried to assure you,

"It was tiring standing here. . " Nagi grumbled, and you and reo heard it,

"Nagi! " Reo tried to shut nagi up,

You chuckled at the two male in front of you who where bickering with each other, well it was just reo scolding nagi,

"Well, thank you for waiting for me! " You thanked the two boy,


After nagi and reo dropped you to your house, they also headed their separate ways,

You quickly rushed to your room and changed into a more comfortable clothes while plopping down on your bed,

'What a tiring day. . " You sighed, as you just needed some shut eyes to recharge yourself,

When you were just about to fall asleep, your stomach grumbled, making you realise that you haven't had dinner yet, and what a great timing cause just when you thought about it your mom called you saying that dinner was ready, how lucky!

____at the dinner table__________

"Thanks for the food" You said before beginning eating your dinner,

"Oh btw mom, dad i'll be heading to school a bit early tomorrow because our volleyball team has a practice match with the team of another school"
You spoke after properly chewing down your food,

"Well at what time? " Your mom asked

"Oh like 5:30 cause we need to leave at 6:00. .? " You answered,

"Alright take care than!" Your mom said, your dad also said to take care of yourself there,

after dinner you headed to your room and jumped straight into your bed, turning off the lights in your room, and you immediately fell asleep.

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