❤Lockdown Part 3 (Minlix)

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-Top/dom Minho
-Bottom/sub Felix
-Not proof read
-Idk what kinda school trips high schoolers go on or how they work :/
-2178 words


Minho pov

It had been about a month. One month since their last little, well... interaction. Whatever you call it. Minho had been craving the youngers touch ever since.

I mean sure, they had spoken a lot since, but it was either a quick little kiss in the bathroom at school, or a late night call when they couldn't sleep.

Minho wanted more, and lucky for him, the opportunity had come, but he wouldn't know that until a couple weeks later.

He, along with some other students (let's say around 40 students) were assembled in the school hall. Apparently there was some announcement.

"Sorry for interrupting your classes but as you all know, we're nearing the end of the year..."

Minho was ignoring everything once again, he couldn't help it, he was thinking about a certain blond.

He felt his eyes scanning over the crowd, trying to find the fluffy mop of hair. He didn't know if his class was in here as well though so it might be pointless.

Lucky for him though, he spotted the younger a few rows ahead of him.

He wanted to reach out and grab him, pull him in for a hug and never let go. He wanted him.


Wait what? He had completely zoned out, he heard nothing. We're they going camping?

The students started standing up and making their way towards the exit.

Minho pushed through the crowd, racing towards Felix, "hey, hey!"

"Huh, oh Minho hey!" They would've hugged each other right then and there if it wasn't for everyone around them. They weren't properly in a relationship, but they were also keeping their 'relationship' a secret.

"I didn't hear any of that, what did they say?"

"We're going camping!"

"Really when?"

"2 weeks."

"What about the other classes?"

"Yeah, there going too, just not with us, probably too many of us for just a couple teachers."

Minho hummed.

That's not that bad, it's the end of the year, they're going camping. At least they get some time off school.

2 weeks later

The two hadn't spoken since, they were both itching to get ahold of the other, but with all the added homework and stress leading up to the camping trip they just didn't have time. But now they would finally get their time together.

They were currently being loaded onto one of two busses, their day bags with them and there other bags being loaded underneath the bus.

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