The hole inside of me is growing wider.
I know inside of me that doesn't get better.
The hole will grow to massive size
And then nothing will stop the strife.
The tears will keep flowing
But the world will keep on turning.
How long will I be able to stay strong
When everything in the world seems wrong?
The worst of it all is that their is nothing unique about my pain.
In the end a corpse will be all that remains.
Deep down I know that my life will be short lived.
But their is no punishment in the world more cruel than this.
The knowing that I've brought all this pain upon myself.
Their is no gift I wish to return more than my health.
For if I should get sickly one day,
I know a grin would come upon my face.
To know that soon it would be over.
I wouldn't have to see the faces,
Of the loved ones I've shattered into tiny little pieces.
This is the only thing that yields me.
For death does not scare me.
The only thing that I do not wish to see,
Is the broken faces of my friends and family.