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Kazuha POV

Just like that, the day ended quicker than it started, and it was already the end of school. Unlike most people who were luckily going home or to a club right now, I was stuck walking myself to after school detention.

Because of my lead of multiple tardy slips, I had been given a detention slip. To be honest, my teacher could've at least given me a lunch detention instead, but too late, I guess. It's not like that teacher was fond of any students, much less liked his job, so a lunch detention probably wouldn't have been a possibility anyways.

As I walked into the classroom, there was only two other people in the room; a ginger, and who I am presuming is the teacher, though he is sleeping. Wait- isn't that ginger the kid who was trying to get Scaramouche to sit with him?

I groaned as I sat down lightly in the seat next to the ginger. At least I had gotten one of the good teachers for detention; that meaning one of the employees who couldn't care less and slept through their entire job.

"So, what's your name, comrade? Scarahoe sat next to you during lunch, right?" I was startled by the sudden inquiry the ginger had spewed at me. I wasn't very sure if I had expected him to talk or not. Still, it had shook me with how quiet the room was, excluding the teacher's snores.

"Scarahoe..? Oh! You mean Scaramouche? I guess he did kind of sit with us today. Uhm... my name's Kazuha." I responded, smiling at him as I tried to calm my nerves. Who was this guy? And why did he know Scaramouche so well, yet Scaramouche seemed indifferent to him? Did they go to the same middle school, perhaps?

"Hah, yeah.. that's just my nickname for him. We used to be close in middle school, I don't know what happened though. Boarding school must've gotten him fucked up." The ginger said, slumping in his chair as he shook his leg up and down in an unfathomable fast motion. "Ah, and my name is Ajax, but most students usually call me Childe." He continued, smiling at me. His smile was not a kind smile, and more of a playful one. Like that one smirk you'd see in comic strips where the hero flashes his signature smile.

"Boarding school..? Oh yeah, Scaramouche is a transfer student. You knew him in middle school, what was he like..?" I questioned, wondering how different Scaramouche could really be. I've only known him for a day, and I really shouldn't be probing in his past, but I'd really like to know more about him. We're friends now, and the more I know about him the closer friends we can be.

"Rude. Intolerable, and blunt. I don't think anyone ever liked him very much. I bet you a good amount of his friends were only buddy-buddy with him because they were afraid of him." Childe said, scoffing. While the remarks Childe made didn't seem like complements of any sort, his tone suggested he was proud of Scaramouche.

"Rude..? Scaramouche now seems nothing of the sort. He's pretty polite, if you don't count how blunt and unsociable he is." I wagered, this information about Scaramouche was awfully different from what he was now, even if I had only known him since today. "I'm sure he couldn't be that bad. Bullies are real out of style nowadays." I went on, trying to find a good reason for the things Childe had stated.

"Surprised you don't know, but I used to be a big-time bully at my old school. Wanna guess who one of my companions were?" Shit. I'm guessing that's Scaramouche he's talking about, but to be honest, while Scaramouche isn't the most sociable person, he doesn't seem like he'd bully anyone.

"By the look on your face, you've most likely guessed it. Well, it was Scaramouche, in fact, he was one of most respected in our group. It's a shame though, because he was kicked out of our school and sent to boarding school." Childe groaned, obviously seeming annoyed at the mention of the last part. It makes me wonder what could've he had done that was so bad to get himself kicked out of school..?

"What happened..? I doubt they would kick Scaramouche out unless he did something big. Unless, you just had a shitty middle school." I expressed, I know there's something more to the story, and if I probe enough, Childe will most likely tell me.

Childe widened his eyes, not in shock or anger, they just... widened. As if he had something to tell me, he went on. "I don't know, it's something that happened with another guy that none of our group was affiliated with. The school kept it a secret, and Scarahoe never told any of us what happened. I don't even know who it was." Childe said, seeming as if he was unsure of the information himself.

"That's.. odd." The words had left me a bit speechless, what could have happened to another person because of Scaramouche, that was so bad, it got him kicked out of school..? What really even happened that day? The question lingers in my mind. Was it a dispute? A fist fight? A yelling match? No, that wouldn't be it. What if it was something worse.. like sexual assault. No, Scaramouche wouldn't do that. I know I've barely talked to him, but I doubt he would do something so horrible.

"Yep. Anyways..." Childe kicked his feet on the desk, sighing into his chair. He brushed his hair out of his face, but the hair flopped back into place trail to his efforts. "How'd you get detention?" Childe questioned, most likely trying to branch off from the topic at hand and focus on something less heavy.

"Multiple accounts of tardy slips." I groaned, putting my fingers to my forehead as I squeezed my eyes shut. "How about you?"

"No talking in detention." The teacher cleared his throat as he heard us talking. Guess he must've woken up from his nap. Childe winked at me then started acting as if he was reading a book. I guess he had a book in lap just in case, but I had to fetch one from my backpack.

I know I said I was going to try to make it to 1500 words this chapter, but I had ended up going with a different POV than I had originally planned, (I was gonna do Scara's pov) so the chapter wasn't going to be as lengthy as I thought it was going to be. I'll try to hit the 1500 goal next choater, since it's the chapter I had originally planned for this one. Sorry for the inconvenience about the length. Also, I somehow got this chapter done super quick, I think it's cause I've been more productive lately. Thank you all for reading up until now, see you in the next chapter~!

Words: 1062

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