i. poor excuse

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“What do you do, again?”

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“What do you do, again?”

Fushiguro Mayumi took a deep breath. The man, her supposed date for the night, looked bored. Sleepy even. She was never good at this dating thing and this man was the live example of this. She adjusted the sundress that she had worn, hating herself for feeling self-conscious.

“I have a bakery shop,” She smiled slightly as Tobe Yori stirred his cup of tea, making her even more conscious. Half of her seemed as if she was back in her school interviews and not on a date. Even worse. “It's moderate but there are two more employees other than me.”

Before she could stop herself, she proceeded to explain the whole fermentation of bread process out of her nervousness. The look on Tobe san’s face was pure boredom. Maybe she had even creeped him out.

Crap. This was not how it was supposed to go. She was supposed to stun him out and to make him go crazy. Instead, she made him sleepy.

“I .... I need to use the washroom!”

She stormed inside the washroom. Even he must be thanking God for giving him some relief. Why was she like that? So weird. Why did she had to lecture him about the fermentation process? What was she, a teacher?

Washing her face slightly and wiping off, she made her way back to the table. She was lagging a little behind when she heard Tobe san's voice on a phone call. His words made her freeze.

“Yeah ... yeah. They were right. She's pretty ... No. No. She's so boring. Nah ... I can't even hook up with her because she'd bore me off. Right ... After five minutes, call me for some emergency, ok? .. Nah, I can't stay here.”

Good God. Her insides teared up. Was she that boring?

Clearing her throat, she sat down again on the chair meekly, feeling more out of place than ever. Her date was scrolling through his phone while she looked around the cafe panicked, like a deer caught on headlights.

Until she saw the door open and in came her younger brother's teacher, Gojo Satoru. A tall woman with blonde curls was leaning against his shoulder. His usual black blindfold was replaced by sunglasses, a few strands of his untainted white hair falling on his face. Mayumi could remember her brother Megumi telling how his Gojo sensei was the strongest sorcerer alive. Normally civillians didn't know anything about jujutsu and curses. But since her brother was one too, she was privy to that information.

His eyes—or more like sunglasses—met hers and she stifled a sigh. They had never interacted outside his brother's parent teacher meet. As he walked towards her, she panicked. Was she going to make a fool of herself in front of him too?

“Fushiguro san.” He waved at her, a lazy grin on his face.

“Gojo san,” She bowed slightly, “Good evening.”

“Here on a date, I see?”

The supposed date's phone rang and after answering the call, he looked at her apologetically. Mayumi scowled in her head.

“I am so sorry, Fush—”

“It's alright, Tobe san,” She forced a smile on her lips, “I can see it was an emergency call. Although what excuse is it? Is your grandma sick? Or is your roommate?”

If possible, his cheeks flushed. “My roommate. Sorry to cut it short.”

When he was gone, Gojo Satoru stared at her in wonder. “I hope you are aware that that was a very poor excuse.”

“Oh, I do know well!” She smiled bitterly before sighing, “I hope you've a happy date, Gojo san.”

“Thank you, Fushiguro San.”

He winked at her in his usual Gojo Satoru comedic fashion.

a/n : im so excited for this fic i hope you guys do like it too uwu

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a/n : im so excited for this fic i hope you guys do like it too uwu

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