ii. princess?

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Shoko Ieiri saw Mayumi come from a distance

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Shoko Ieiri saw Mayumi come from a distance. The black haired girl’s head was lowered, her shoulders slouched and it didn't take for a genius to know that it must be something due to her date. Usually, Ieri didn't have many friends aside from Satoru. Her busy career as a doctor didn't allow her. However, the Fushiguro girl was an exception.

“How was the date?”

“Do you really have to ask?” Mayumi sighed, sitting down on the bench. “I'm convinced I'll stay single.”

“Not that singlehood is bad,” Ieiri who wasn't much into dating commented before her eyes softened slightly, “what was the problem? Was he boring?”

“Hardly that,” she let out a bitter laugh before untying her hair from the ponytail, “I overheard him calling me too boring. Oh, Ieiri. I need to do something about it.”

Her doctor friend's eyes widened. “I hope you gave that twat an earful, Mayumi.”

“No. I was too caught up when Gojo san greeted me,” she explained, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, “I didn't want to cause a scene in front of him. Also, he was right. I was so boring. I think I need to take a course on dating or something.”

“Course on dating?” Ieiri's eyes brightened with a mischievous gleam, “why don't you practise dating with Satoru?”

Of all the suggestions that Mayumi could expect from her friend, this was the least. Practise dating with Gojo san? She was stunned into silence. “Are you kidding?”

“Listen to me first,” her friend smiled, “we all can agree that Satoru is a huge playboy. I won't be surprised if he has been out with almost all the women of Tokyo. Won't he know enough about how to break the awkward dating issue?”

“You think so?”

“I know so.”

“Why do I feel like I am going to regret this a lot later?” She bounced her legs. The memories of her humiliation from the earlier date came in her mind and she nodded abruptly. “You know what? You are right. I really want to learn dating from Gojo san.”

“Great. He must be in his office. Go and see him.”

“Now?” She bit her lip, looking at herself. She looked positively homeless, dressed in a loose shirt, that too of Megumi, and shorts. Her hair was lying loosely on her shoulders.

“I know you won't stop procrastinating unless I force you. So go.”

˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚      .  .   ˚ .             ✦

Mayumi clenched and unclenched her fists for a few times before knocking on Gojo san’s door. Now that the adrenaline had wiped down, she was lowkey regretting her decision to agree with Ieiri. If anything, there were chances of him laughing at her and her poor debacle.


“Uh, it's me, Gojo san. Fushiguro Mayumi, Megu—”

“I do remember you, Fushiguro san,” A slight chuckle came from the inside before he opened the door. Her eyes met his covered ones. He was back to wearing his black blindfold. “Come in. Did Megumi mess up something or what?”

“Um no, Gojo san,” She fidgeted with the sleeve of her shirt as she followed him inside. Taking a deep breath, she blurted out. “I need your help!”

“Are you having problems with curses, Fushiguro san?” He stared at her intently, eyes slightly assessing her from the top to the bottom.

“Nothing like that,” Mayumi bit her lip, her cheeks turning pink in embarrassment. “It's ... it's something personal, Gojo san.”

She could feel the man stiffen slightly before an easy going smile played out on his lips. “Of course. Carry on.”

“I ... Gojo san,” She shut her eyes, taking a deep breath. “Teach me everything about dating. Dating 101. Please.

There was silence. Mayumi opened her eyes to see him shocked to his wits. His mouth was partly opened as he stared at her. Good God! This was embarrassing. Why did she even agree with Ieiri?

“I ... I know it's too much of a favou—”

“Fushiguro san,” He finally spoke, peeking an eye out from his blindfold and a soft gasp left her mouth as she saw his crystal blue eye for the first time, “why do you want to learn about dating?”

“I ... Can I sit down please?” She whispered, embarrassed and when he nodded, she sat down, “I am not good with dating and all. My dates get too bored and then it's a disaster. I want to learn how to date.”

He leaned closer, a smirk on his face as he whispered.

“And what makes you think I am the right person to teach you dating, princess?”

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