It's ok to mourn, Let it out Luffy

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It was 2 a.m. on the Sunny, Brook was currently on watch, the men and women of the ship were sleeping soundly well except one man, Monkey D. Luffy. He was having nightmares, it was one that he hadn't had in 12 years and a traumatizing one from 2 years ago, he was shuffling in bed.

'Sabo's dead......THANK YOU FOR LOVING ME!' Luffy eyes quickly opened, to keep him from screaming he bit his tongue which is now bleeding, he was panting. He got up to the cleaning quarters and refused to look in any mirrors.

Blood was running down from his mouth to jaw, went to the side a the ship to spit the blood from his mouth. He got to the sink and rinsed his mouth and stopped the bleeding, he had his head down and went to the Sunny figurehead.

Luffy looked up at the starry sky in silence, he can still taste the iron-copper taste in his mouth. He wouldn't cry he already mourned, and he wasn't that crybaby Ace had called him anymore he grew up. Luffy's 19, an adult. Luffy knows that he always hides his emotions from the crew, he's the captain, the pillar, stronghold of the crew.

He lets out a sigh, "Why.. I get it if I had them during those times but now, it's random." he whispers to himself. He brings his head to his knees and stays silent, hearing the waves splashing against the ship.

In the men's quarters, one alert swordsman realized someone was missing, he couldn't hear the snoring anymore. Luffy was gone, but used to the rubberman's antics, he thought he went to raid the kitchen and he fell back asleep.

Robin was first up, she walked out to see Luffy on the Sunny's head, "Sencho?" Luffy turned halfway, "Oh, Ohayo Robin!" he said with his smile.

"Why are you up so early?" he laughed, "Every now and then I come up to watch the sunset and stay on the figurehead." it was true actually, so Robin believed him and went to the library and waited for Sanji.

Everyone was surprised to see Luffy up before them. They would've been worried but Luffy was smart enough to wash his face so the others wouldn't question his behavior.

The day passed by normally. Luffy still played with Usopp, and Chopper, bugged Sanji for food, and went and laid himself on Zoro as a pillow after he poked and prodded him.

Everyone was about to head to their private quarters, but Zoro was the only one who noticed Luffy's nerved face. He decided not to say anything and wait to see if everything was alright as he thought.

When everyone hit the deck, Zoro saw Luffy shift more in his bed than normal. Luffy's hand gripped the side of his bed so hard if he tried any harder his bed would've been snapped like a twig. Zoro furrowed his eyebrows at Luffy behavior. Zoro squinted his eye so he appeared asleep, but was looking.

'We'll all set out to sea when were 17 and become pirates!...You know if it weren't that deal with Sabo or having a unruly little brother like you..I don't know where i'd be.' Luffy woke up and bit his hand causing it to bleed while the put his other hand on his scar on his chest scratching it making that also bleed, he calmed down his breathing and went to the bathroom once more.

Zoro saw Luffy wake up, he instantly knew he had a nightmare but he didn't know it was bad for him to bite his hand. He even heard his skin break, but what he also notice was that Luffy clutched his scar from Marineford. He got up and went to where Luffy went.

Luffy was cleaning his hand and chest, and Zoro knocked on the opened door, Luffy stopped the faucet, and turned. Zoro immediately saw the dark circles around Luffy's eyes.

"Yea Zoro?" Luffy got back to cleaning his chest, and then started washing his face. Zoro still had his stare on Luffy, he clapped his hand on his shoulder and turned to head to the crow's nest motioning Luffy to follow.

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