-𝒊'𝒎 𝒂 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍, 𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒆𝒓 !

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[abuse of power, oral sex, car sex, groping, usage of pet names, slightly public sex, implied age gap, dirty talk—including praise and degradation]

for @illicitallure, my number one bae—happy birthday!! enjoy


You hear a distant sound of sirens blaring before they fill the entire road. Flashing lights of red and blue glaze over the whole street.

Glancing at both the outside and rear-view mirror, a fluorescent blur trails swiftly behind you.

"Pull over!" you hear the officer yell out. You do as instructed, your car parking at the edge of a nearby curb. "Into the alley," they add on.

You put your car in reverse, backing slowly before driving into a barely lit alley and stopping. Once you hear a car door slam, you roll down your window and rest your hands on the steering wheel, attempting a display of diplomacy.

The officer who approaches you is a tall blonde, with curly hair ending at the middle of her back. Her jawline is sharp, electric blue eyes—that are mesmerizing, completely capable of sending you into a trance—accompanied by winged eyeliner.

"Do you know why I pulled you over?" her smooth, silk-like voice sounds in the empty space. Her voice could be mesmerizing, too, a timbre that would be low if only a notch down, with perfect enunciation.

"Yes, officer," you sigh around the words. As gorgeous as the woman is, time ticks down with each minute you're wasting being interrogated by a policeman.

"And why's that?"

"'Cause I was speedin'," you mumble out.

"That's right. Now, what's a pretty girl like you in a rush for?" Her eyes are a deeper, inky shade than before.

You gulp at her words, saliva harshly traveling down your throat with difficulty. Racking the English language for an appropriate reaction, you stumble for a response.

"I.. There was.. I was just—I'm coming back from work." Her eyes stay on you for a minute, silent before she pulls out a pad and pen.

"That's going to be two-hundred, ma'am."

"What?" Seeing her blonde brow arched in your direction paired with narrowed eyes makes you scramble to clarify. "That's just a lot of money. I mean, like.. for just one ticket."

"Well, you were speeding fifteen above the limit," she drags out.

You glance down for her name tag, gaze instantly averting when you're met with an unbuttoned collar and a rounded black bra marginally visible.

"Officer, I'm really sorry—I wasn't.. I had a bad day at work. Could you just, I don't know, let it slide? Please?"

The woman pauses for a moment, ripping the paper before tucking the pad and pen away. She leans on your window, arms crossed with the paper dangling between her fingertips as she tilts her head. "There might be.. something instead. That would replace the fine," she says, her voice rasping in an abrupt manner.

After a beat, you instantly nod. "Please, officer. That would be very appreciated." Hope worms inside of you from her offer.

She inhales, straightening up and shuffling away from the car. "Step outside, please." The confusion is evident on your face, and you reach to hesitantly unbuckle the seatbelt.

"Step out," she repeats, "and face the car." You follow her orders, hands in the air as you press against your car, back turned towards her. "I'm going to pat you down," she states.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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