New Faces.

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Fights were a common occurrence in the home of Alhaitham's. Regularly, he and Kaveh would get into heated arguments, which would typically lead to them shouting at each other from across the rooms. The two had gotten into countless fights over the years, and it was nothing new for them. Even so, Kaveh would always end up breaking, locking himself in Al'haitham's room, forcing the other to sleep on the couch for the night.

Just as dawn was breaking, Al'haitham headed out for the day, just like any other. He then returns to his home just as the sun was setting, but this time, bringing a familiar face. What was odd about this was that the house was dead silent, not even the sounds of Mehrak's robotic chimes was heard. Al'haitham gestures the guest to sit down, offering her to sit on one of the open stools that stood near the kitchen counter. Once she was comfortably situated, Al'haitham called out for his roommate to tell him about the visitor to the home.

"...Kaveh "

He expected a reply upon calling for his roommate, but he was met with mere silence. The only sound that broke the stillness was the soft humming of the seated woman who resided beside him.

"Kaveh! "He shouts.

After waiting a bit longer, Al'haitham decided to look around for Kaveh, who he expected to be out of his room by now. One room after another, he failed to find him. At this point, he knew exactly where the man would be. Al'haitham spoke Kaveh's name softly as he gradually opened the large doorway leading to his room. Facing away on the other's bed, he caught Kaveh crying. His eyes were red and puffy as he shed tears uncontrollably, his face painted with unbearable misery. Al'haitham draws near to the side of the bed, now only inches away. Kaveh continues to sob quietly for a few more moments before finally turning his head towards the curious man.

"Kaveh? What is it this time? I brought someone over for you to meet, but you can't go out this room looking like a hot mess!" Al'haitham whispered loudly, his voice just barely above a hush, with a tone of urgent intensity.

In the span it took for his eyelids to close and open, he found himself suddenly pulled underneath Kaveh.

"Is that really all you care about Al'haitham?!" Kaveh shouts,

"Making sure I make a good impression so YOU can look good?!"

Stunned, Al'haitham was at a complete loss for words. His eyes widened with surprise and confusion as Kaveh's tears fell upon him. He took a second to muster up whatever he was going to say, unaware of what's really going on.

"Listen Kaveh I don't have time for this... what are you even going on about right now? Are you still mad about yesterday? Look, I apologize...- "

Al'haitham was forcibly cut off from his words, wincing at the tightening grip on his shoulders. He flinches as more tears land on his face.

It was clear that Kaveh took offense to the questions Al'haitham was asking him. His face glowed with anger and annoyance. It almost seemed like he was about to throw a punch to the face staring right at him. He glared at Al'haitham, shaking in irritation and rage. He pauses before taking in a sharp breath, miraculously, it calmed him down a bit.

"'What am I even going on about' you say..." Kaveh repeats,

"Do you really want to know Al'haitham? Why I get so emotional after every fight? Why I lock myself in your room?" He questions.

"Do you really want to know why i'm still here? Though I don't have the mora to live on my own, I have my own reasons on why I'm still here."

Al'haitham struggled to take everything in, even as Kaveh continued to speak. It felt like his mind was in a daze, refusing to process the confusing situation at hand and leaving him at a complete loss of how to respond.

"Kaveh, wait..." Al'haitham pauses. "Calm down... please." In a slow and steady motion, he reaches out for Kaveh's wrist. After grasping on, he pulls himself up into a sitting position.

"Now, please, explain to me what's going on with you" He asks softly. Al'haitham's face remained neutral, though, Kaveh knew he was genuine with his words. He felt like tearing up once more, tears prickle and poke at his eyes. He closes them, building up enough courage to speak again, hoping that his emotions don't get the best of his words. During that he flinches back a bit as he felt Al'haitham's thumb graze across his eye, wiping away an oncoming tear of his. This action was new to him, but he needed to push it aside and be clear with Al'haitham, he hasn't been for just too long.

"I don't know how to tell you..." He starts.

As he starts to speak, he was interrupted by the sound of light footsteps wandering the halls. Kaveh goes into a slight panic, almost falling off the bed as he tries to wipe away the wet residue on his rose-colored cheeks. The door creaks open as the he catches a glimpse of dirty blonde hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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