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A/N to who ever read the original three chapters I've decided to rewrite it and change the way the story is written same plot.

You'd think being raised by spies would be fun, but in reality, it's so boring when they're so strict. For example, "Alex, it's 9 PM, go to sleep and don't pretend to be asleep. You know I can hack your phone." Or, "Alex, it's 7 AM, get up and go train," even though it was Saturday. I've been training my whole life, yet I'm not allowed on a single mission or to even use my powers.

Like, I know I shouldn't use my powers out in society, but I can't even use them at home, hidden from the world. I swear all they do is babysit me 24/7. The only fun I've had is hanging out with Jake. Jake's family has been loyal spies for generations, just like my father was-or at least that's what they told me. I wouldn't know anything about my dad personally because he died in a plane crash, or about my mother. After all, she died in childbirth.

Don't get the wrong idea. I'm not saying this so you pity me. I am only clarifying why I live in this boring-ass, strict spy agency. They're so strict that I can't even have ice cream when it's freaking 112 degrees outside.

But it's not just about the rules. It's the constant feeling of being watched, monitored, and evaluated. There's no privacy, no room to make mistakes, and certainly no time to just be a kid. Every move I make is scrutinized, and every action is judged.

Even my interactions with Jake are under surveillance. It's like they think we're plotting some grand escape rather than just being friends. Sometimes, I wonder if they even remember what it's like to be young.

I know they're trying to protect me and keep me safe from whatever threats are out there, but it feels like I'm trapped in a cage. A gilded cage, maybe, but a cage nonetheless.

And then there's the constant reminder of my parents. Everyone here speaks of them like legends, heroes of the spy world. But to me, they're just ghost stories, fragments of a life I'll never know. The pressure to live up to their legacy is suffocating.
Especially because I've been training all my life to be the best spy out there. Just so I can get the chance to be free. A chance to understand why my parents liked being spies in the first place. But I'm starting to get impatience because at this point they want me to beg on my knees. So instead of waiting I decide to plan an escape. I mean what could go wrong am I right so what if I failed and got grounded? It feels like I've been grounded for centuries anyway.

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