iii. good girl

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Mayumi forgot how to breathe

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Mayumi forgot how to breathe. That could be the only reasonable explanation in her mind. Gojo san was too close. Too close. If it were any other man, she would have fainted. But as peculiar as it was, she didn't when it was him. Oh God. Was she attracted to him?

“I asked you something, Princess.

She sucked a breath. Why did he have to call her princess in that sickening sweet way? Not fair.

“Because you are an expert,” She found her voice back as she exclaimed, pulling herself back and he pulled back too. “You have dated enough women to teach me how to date, Gojo san.”

“Fair enough,” He chuckled, running his fingers messily over his hand, “but as you can see. I am a jujutsu sorcerer and definitely not a dating professor.”

Her shoulders slouched but she nodded. He was right. It was stupid of her to barge in here and demand that he teach her dating. “I understand. Thank you for your time, Gojo san.”

She turned to leave but gasped when he caught her wrist. Her eyes met his and slowly, he removed his hand but not before stroking it lightly. “You didn't hear me completely. I don't remember ever teaching a class called dating 101. But I suppose I can make an exception for my favourite student's older sister.”

Her eyes widened before a shy smile broke into her face. This was good. Gojo san agreed to teach her.

“T-thank you so much, Gojo san!” The edges of her lips curved upward, “I don't know how to thank you properly.”

“It's nothing, Mayumi chan,” He waved his hand lazily, not knowing the effect his usage of her first name had on her. Not many people knew her well enough to call her by her first name and hearing that by Gojo san of all. “However, there is one rule. You are not supposed to fall for me.”

Mayumi assessed the man in front of her. Surely, he was physically very charismatic and there were chances of her being attracted towards him. But she could nowhere see herself falling for him in the future. She needed a serious, responsible family man who would accept not only her but Megumi. Gojo san was anything but a family man.

“I accept, Gojo san.”

Good girl.” Was he doing this on purpose? She had read enough romance novels to stop taking that phrase in a non-sexual way. However, she didn't say anything. “What are you going to tell the people around you? That we are dating or something like that?”

She pursed her lips. Now, that would be completely unbelievable. Chances of men like Gojo Satoru dating girls like Fushiguro Mayumi were nil if anything.

“I don't think it would be believable enough, Gojo san,” She pinched her nose lightly, “I mean, first of all, Megumi would never believe it. Because he knows that you're nowhere near the men that I like—”

“—what kind of men do you like, Mayumi chan?”

“That's personal!” She huffed but when she saw his teasing smirk, she rolled her eyes. “I like serious, responsible and family men. I mean, I like simple men.” And he was anything but simple.

Gojo San nodded.

“And besides,” She got up from the chair, smiling, “I am nowhere near the girls you date. So, I think it would be better if we just tell everyone that we are friends. What do you think?”

“Whatever you think is best,” He smiled, leaning a bit closer, “so where would you like to have your classes? Your apartment?”

“God, no!” Mayumi laughed, her eyes twinkling, “Megumi would have a heart attack if he ever sees you next to me.”

His eyebrows furrowed from the blindfold. “And why is it so? Does he think I will kidnap his sister?”

“It's not that!” She couldn't stifle her laugh at his adorable expression as she pulled back. “You are a certified womanizer, Gojo san. That's why.”

“And yet you came to me.”

“Yes. I did.”

“My apartment then?” He poked his finger in his cheek, smiling at her. “You can drop by in the evening from your bakery directly.”

“Thanks again, Gojo san.”

She waved at him, smiling. A tornado of butterflies in her belly. Maybe, just maybe, something good would come out of it.

a/n : tysm for 50 reads omg muah

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