v. dating sensei

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Fushiguro Mayumi heaved a deep sigh as her eyes fell on the wall clock

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Fushiguro Mayumi heaved a deep sigh as her eyes fell on the wall clock. She was supposed to go to Gojo san’s apartment in half an hour. Her hands were clammy from the anticipation. Oh God. How was she supposed to act? Was she supposed to act all lovey dovey in front of him? Oh, wait. Was he her sensei now?

A smile crept up to her lips as she checked his last text. He had called her sweet Mayumi chan. That was of course not the first time she was called sweet. She could remember being associated with words like sweet, saint, angel all her life. Her stepfather used to call her an angel while her colleagues often called her a saint.

Not that Fushiguro Mayumi believed it. She was just as erroneous as the other humans.

“Fushiguro chan.”

A man called and she smiled when she saw him. Okkotsu Yuta. He used to be Megumi’s senior in Jujutsu High and now he was working as a full time sorcerer. He was a regular customer at her bakery and Mayumi would like to think that they were friends or at least, acquaintances now.

“Okkotsu san,” She smiled at him, “your usual bread?”

“You know my order already,” He smiled. She liked how he always had a gentle smile on his lips. “Thank you.”

“You're welcome,” She said, “Until tomorrow, I suppose?”

“Until tomorrow, Fushiguro chan,” He waved at her, a grin on his face, “take care.”

As she saw his retreating figure, she wondered why more men couldn't be like Okkotsu Yuta.

Soon she was occupied in her work, forgetting some of her anxiety regarding her dating course. Some part of her was still wary. Did normal people even do stuff like that? At least, she was thankful that Gojo san didn't make fun of her. Or worse, told Megumi. She would have cringed and died.

A car honked outside the bakery and her jaw dropped to the floor as she saw Gojo san getting out of the car and walking up to him. He was wearing a white shirt that stuck to his body, his blindfold was replaced by a pair of sunglasses and his hair low. He winked at her and she could swear that the temperature of the bakery rose.

“Gojo san,” She whispered awkwardly, not knowing what to say. The other employees were gawking at them as he made his way towards her.

“Hello, Mayumi chan,” He had a teasing smile on his face, “I came here to get my bread and you.”

“I ... I could have come by myself.” Heat crept to her cheeks before she cleared her throat, “What kind of bread would you like? Or wait, would you like pastries?”

“Mm, I would like pastries. Sweet pastries.”

Good God. She could swear that he was doing this on purpose. Nodding, she packed some pastries before handing him the paper bag.

“Aren't you coming, Mayumi chan?” He asked, perching his sunglasses up.

“Yes, yes!” She waved her goodbyes to the other employees before following him. He opened the car door for her and she almost blushed before sliding in the front seat. “Thank you for coming though.”

“It's nothing,” He grinned at her as he started driving. “You were quite right.”

“About what?”

“About Megumi going batshit crazy,” He chuckled, “He's quite fond of you, isn't he?”

“Yes,” She smiled, looking outside the window, “he's my baby brother.”

The rest of the ride was silent. Although, it was not an uncomfortable silence. Mayumi enjoyed the silence with Gojo san. He would hum some random song lyrics and she would listen to it attentively. No longer than fifteen minutes, he parked his car near a home. Not an apartment. A home.

“I thought you lived in an apartment, Gojo san,” She spoke in wonder as he helped her get out of the car. “It's beautiful.”

“Thank you,” He grinned, “I enjoy my solitude here. Although I rarely stay here. Most of the times, I sleep at the school itself.”

The edges of her brows creased. “I am sorry. You work really hard.”

“Eh, that's what you get for being a sorcerer, Mayumi chan,” He waved his hand nonchalantly, “Now let's get inside. After all, it's my first lesson to teach as a dating sensei.”

Oh Good God.

a/n ; tysm for 80 reads omg this is almost unbelievable

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