I hate this modern world, wouldn't we be better off without the internet and all ? We're all checking our Instagram news as soon as we wake up, watching a new drama made by some infulencer or dealing with complete shit and gossiping about people.
I want to get off social media, live a normal life and not have my head full of how many people just saw my story on intagram.
I want to go to a restaurant without seeing some girl taking pictures of her food on instagram, or go to a concert without all the fans holding their phones and filming it.
You know, the women's experience would be better if none of us were holding our phones above our heads to brag on the internet that we were at a Taylor Swift (hate Taylor Swift).
Someday, when I can, I'll delete all my social networks, move far away from society and enjoy the freedom and not worry about the things that all teenage people find important now.