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- A U T H O R 's P O V -

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- A U T H O R 's P O V -

"What is going on between you and atharv?" Shivika who was reading her novel named Silent patient , frowned but her eyes were still fixed on the book. The interesting part was going on right now and nothing was more important than reading it.

"I am asking you something, shivi."

Sonali jumped on the bed and criss crossed her legs while glaring at her bestie who was so engrossed in reading the book and didn't even glanced at her once. Shivika ignored her questions as her eyes moved from left to right while reading the lines. Her face was serious.

Sonali rolled her eyes and huffed watching shivika ignoring her royally. She snatched away the book from her hands making shivika's eyes go wide. Her poor book will tear like that. She glared at sonali, sitting straight now as she got her book back and kept it beside her.


"What, what? Answer my question!"

Sonali said making shivika sigh as she bit her lips trying to define how was she related to atharv? What should she name when she herself don't know what bond they share. No words were forming in her mind as she sighed again.

Sonali understood by her face. She took her hand and tappes on it. Shivika looked at her as sonali said,

"Okay okay, don't stress your little brain now. But promise me, no matter how long you take to describe your relation with him, you will tell me sabse pehle."

[first of all.]

Shivika's eyes widened in surprise. How did she know what i was thinking?

"Don't think so loud, i can hear it. "

Sonali said while chuckling making shivika bit her tongue. They have known each other for so many years now and it was very easy for both of them to read each other like a open book. They were together in the worst phases of each other's life and when something good is happening ir is about to happen, how will they not know?

They knew each other too well.

"Yaar i am bored and hungry!"

Shivika said while a pout formed on her lips. Sonali nodded agreeing as she creased her stomach. "Mein bhi!" She said while looking at shivika who was looking at her and soon a wide smile spread on their lips as they both said in unison,


Saying together, they both bursted into laughter as slowly getting down from the bed they started making their way towards the kitchen. It was already past mid night and everyone has slept but these two cats couldn't help but to sneak into the kitchen and make maggie for themselves.

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