Chapter one - Introduction

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It all started when my father, Zac, broke up with my mother after she betrayed him. Since I, 17 years old and now old enough to understand what she had done, also didn't want to contact her anymore, my dad and I decided to move to another city one day. Of course, the separation wasn't the only reason, even a grandiose job offer moved my father to this city. I went to high school and quickly found a connection. My father slowly became happy again and we settled in just fine, as if we had never been anywhere else. At first we only lived in a small apartment, but moved relatively quickly to a nice house in the suburbs. Actually, this house was way too big for the two of us alone. But it wasn't long before my father told me about a woman he met at work. Her name was Vanessa, and she looked beautiful. Of course I was happy for my father, who more than deserved to finally have a woman by his side again 5 years after his separation. It's not like my father, who was really attractive for his age, didn't have any dates all these years, but he never had the right one for him. But with Vanessa everything seemed different. A few dates eventually turned into regular meetings and I also met her that day when she visited us in our house. My father told me in the morning that he would like to invite her for dinner, and he asked me to be there too. He told me that she would also bring her son, and that we should finally get to know each other properly. Initially, I was a bit skeptical, but I decided to open up and accept this new life, even if it meant getting a stepbrother. At the time of the meeting, I was 15 years old, and in the evening, around 6 o'clock, the doorbell rang at our house. My father asked me to please open the door and let our guests in since he was still busy in the kitchen. As I slowly opened the door, I saw the two of them, Vanessa and her son Joshua. Both greeted me quite warmly, and I asked them to come inside. Vanessa went openly to my father, and for the first time, I saw them kiss. It was a bit unusual at first, but I had to slowly accept that there was a new woman in his life. For dinner, we had Italian food, as my father is half Italian himself. I learned a lot about Vanessa and her 19-year-old son, who became quite likable to me the longer I talked to him. The evening slowly came to an end, and my father asked for the attention of everyone at the table. With a big smile on his face, he announced to us that he and Vanessa had been thinking for a while about moving in together. I was taken aback because that was the last thing I expected from this evening. Zac explained to us that our house was much too big for just the two of us, and he saw himself by Vanessa's side. Of course, he was right, and I don't know if it's surprising that they want to move in together after dating for half a year. Reluctantly, Josh and I agreed to our parents' decision. Not even two weeks later, a moving company brought boxes of Vanessa and Josh's personal belongings. Vanessa naturally shared a large bedroom with my father, and Josh got the empty room next to mine. I quickly got to know and love my new family, even though Josh and I had a lot of initial problems with each other. We argued often, as siblings do, but Josh had become a lovable older brother to me. He always stood by my side and was there for me. I also quickly learned to love Vanessa because she put in a lot of effort. She never tried to replace my mother in any way, but after a while, I saw her as my mother and a very good friend. Family life had become wonderful again. Almost exactly a year after Vanessa and Josh moved in with us, my father married her. The wedding was like a fairy tale and incredibly beautiful. Josh and I gave a speech that made all the guests cry. Shortly after the wedding, our parents decided that they wanted to have another child together, but this was not possible due to a recent illness Vanessa had been diagnosed with. That was the point at which they adopted my sister Mary. Mary was taken from her family at the age of five because her parents were abusive, and she was subsequently placed with foster parents. However, these foster parents couldn't keep Mary due to their own health issues. Through acquaintances, Vanessa and my dad learned about Mary's case and decided to adopt her at the age of nine. We warmly welcomed her and treated her as a sister, which she eventually became.

After that time, not much new happened in our family. Everyone got along well. In my personal life, there was only one change, and that was my terrible ex-boyfriend. Back then, I was madly in love with him, but it quickly became apparent what a jerk Nick really was. So, a week ago, we broke up. On the day of the breakup, he told me that he had planned to do a year abroad anyway and had already booked a flight to Spain a week later. Even though I was aware that he was definitely not the right one for me, I still have trouble with the breakup even now, a week later, as most people my age probably understand. And so, we come to the present.

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