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Third person pov:-

Taehyung was standing leaning on the white walls while sniffing. His cheeks had dried tear stains and still tears are pouring like rain continuously. He looked completely broken with emotionless expression. His sour pheromones are filling the hospital.

"TAE!!!!" Someone yelled his name, breaking his trace. Taehyung saw leora and melliva, coming running towards him. He wiped his tears but nothing is stopping.

"H-how tae, h-how it h-happened huh? Tell me h-how?" Melliva yelled while crying miserably.

"M-mom please don't cry" taehyung held her in his arms. Melliva cried harder on his chest. He looked at leora who was shooting fire through her eyes.

Suddenly Melliva ran towards the cabin's door and looked inside through the hole on the door and cried even harder. She slide down on the door as her knees are going weak to see her child in this state.

Leora and taehyung ran to her and slowly made her to sit in the waiting area opposite to ICU where jimin admitted .

"Mom please be strong, nothing will happen to our baby." Leora said when she herself is slowly breaking down from inside to witness this kind of situation.

That's when the cabin's door opened revealing the doctor. The whole family rushed to him in hurry.

"D-doctor how is my son, he is alright r-right?" Melliva asked desperately with tears filled eyes.

"Mrs. Park, please calm down. Jimin's condition is really critical, we can't say anything now. After seeing the test reports only we can come to a conclusion."  Doctor said.

"Look Mr. Kang, nothing should happen to my brother, I want him alive and healthy as he was before. If anything happens to my brother then I won't think twice before destroying this whole hospital mind it." Leora growled.

"See ms. Leora, I can understand your pain. But we are also humans. Above us, there is a power called god. We are trying our level best. Please don't loose hope" doctor said with confidence and left the place.

"Leo you shouldn't have spok----"

"Shut up taehyung, under your guidance only we sent jimin right. What were you doing when he fell from the hill. Were you sitting and watching how he is falling?. Just wait if anything happen to my baby then I won't spare any of you peoples. I will destroy that whole college, mark my words" leora said aggressively. Taehyung stood there in silence, it is not his place to talk, everything is his fault only.

Only he know how he feels right now. He felt like dying when came to know that jimin slipped from the mountain,
Yes everything is his fault, he was so careless to let jimin go to that hilly region all alone, it's his fault that he did not joined jimin quickly. He had been so lethargic with the omega which led to this situation. He too, should have fell from the mountain and died on the spot for being a reason behind this. The only to thing he can do is to pray for the omega to get well soon. If anything happen to his jimin, he would never forgive himself and will kill himself for sure. Death is far more better than living a life without jimin.

Time skip:-

Taehyung, leora and melliva didn't even move a inch from the place where they seated. They three are looking like lifeless bodies, one can say that they are alive only by looking at their chest which is raising up and down slowly indicating that they are breathing.

"Mom, you have to eat something. Come on let's to the nearby restaurant" leora said looking at melliva who is sitting, not looking particularly at anything.

"No Leo, I'm not hungry. You go and eat" melliva said motionlessly. Her voice is coarse by crying

"No mom, you have diabetes. You should eat on time, now it's already late for the dinner, please come mom." leora said but melliva shook her head.

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