vi. teach me, sensei

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"Y-your bedroom is neat

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"Y-your bedroom is neat."

Mayumi commented awkwardly to break the silence. She was in his room. In. His. Room. She had never been in a man's room before. Her hands were sweaty as she looked around the room. His room was cleaner than she had expected it to be.

"You were expecting my room to be messy, weren't you?" Gojo san laughed as he sat down on the bed, motioning her to sit as well.

Good God. She was sitting on a bed with a man.

"It's not that!" She laughed back, feeling some of the awkwardness dissipate, "You just don't seem like a neat person."

"Because I am not. My room is clean only because I haven't been here for a few days."

Her lips formed an 'O' as she nodded and as weird as it was, she could feel his eyes on her lips. She looked up at him and he averted his gaze before laughing softly.

"Now, time for your lessons," He smiled and she wondered how he couldn't feel nervous talking about it. He really was something. "Tell me, Mayumi chan, how long has it been that you've kissed someone?"

Mayumi shifted her glance around the room, not knowing what to say. It couldn't get further embarrassing. The truth was, she had never kissed anyone. All her school life and then later the adult part, she was too busy taking care of Megumi and their house that she had no time for kisses or dates. Her eccentric personality also didn't allow many boys to be interested in her.

"You ... You have never kissed anyone?"

"It's not a big deal," She played with her hair which was tied in a ponytail, trying to avoid looking at her.

"Mayumi, look at me," His voice was ... commanding (!?) and in a way, she liked it. God, what was wrong with her? He leaned in a little bit closer. "I don't believe you."

She looked up at him, her lips slightly parted and his gaze fell on her lips again. "W-why?"

"I cannot imagine a pretty girl like you not being kissed," He whispered, "I assume boys must be flocking around you in your school days."

"N-not really," She whispered back, her eyes fixed on him, "I was too ... boring."

"You are not boring, Mayumi chan."

"Oh, but I am!" She scratched the back of her head, lowering her eyes, "Even Tobe san said that I am super boring. He was the one with me that evening."

"Hm, is it so?" She gasped inaudibly when he raised her chin up with his hand, looking at her. "I think you should let me meet this Tobe san of yours. I can check how not boring he is."

His words held a dangerous gleam and she smiled softly before shaking her head. "Nah. Besides, he was right. I need to be a better woman. I need to be funny and outgoing."

"You are a better woman, Mayumi chan," He spoke nonchalantly, pulling back as he leaned against the wall, "You are funny and outgoing. Look at yourself right now. You are nowhere near being shy with me."

"I don't feel that shy around you," She admitted, fidgeting her little finger, "I guess, it's because I am comfortable around you."

"Good. Then we need to make sure you're comfortable around your dates too."

Mayumi stared at him, her cheeks flushing red. Was she ... was she getting more and more attracted to him? She gasped. This was not part of the plan. But it could be a good thing too. Maybe she would get used to being sexually attracted to men in this lesson too.

"Gojo san?" She breathed deeply, breaking the white haired man out of his thoughts. "Can you .. can you kiss me?"

She saw him remove his sunglasses before looking at her, a small smirk creeping on his face. "Mayumi chan, are you trying to flirt with me?"

"N-no!" She gasped, taking a step back, her face beetroot red and he smiled amusedly. "I ... I thought it would be better if I practised it with you. Only for our dating course!"

"Are you sure?"

Damn him. She shrieked, glaring at her. "Of course!"

"Peace out, Mayumi chan," He laughed, winking at her, "I was teasing you."

"Why would you do that?" She huffed a breath, annoyed. "I am not a child."

"Oh, I know. I can attest to that."

Huh. What was that supposed to mean? She wondered. His smile widened when he saw the confused look in her. Not being able to resist her, he pinched her nose endearingly. Her eyes went wide but nonetheless she liked it.

"I don't think we should kiss, Mayumi chan."

Oh-oh. Of course. It was foolish of her to assume that a man like Gojo san would want to kiss a simpleton like her who had never ever been kissed.

Seeing the look on her face, he shook his head. "God, you must not be thinking that I don't want to kiss you. Because I want to."

“Isn't it obvious?”

“Look at me,” He stroked her chin with his thumb, looking deep into her eyes, “I don't think you understand the effect that you've, sweet Mayumi chan. If I kiss you right now, I might lose my control.”

For once in her life, she didn't shy away. A part of her wanted him to lose control. To see what happens.

“Then lose it.”

“You ... you don't mean it,” His eyes widened, his voice almost wavering, “You would want your first kiss with a serious and responsible man. Not someone like me.”

“Aren't you supposed to teach me, Gojo san?” She breathed in sharply, her gaze almost bold for the first time in her life, “Then teach me, Sensei.

a/n : i hope this chapter wasn't cringe omg + tysm for 120 views hehe

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