vii. kisses

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He sucked a deep breath

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He sucked a deep breath. He couldn't believe the predicament he was in. The jasmine perfume of Mayumi chan was making him fuzzy. Would it be right to kiss her? She looked so innocent, like a doll, with her eyes closed, her lips slightly parted.

If Gojo Satoru was a better man, he would have pulled away. But he wasn't. He was a selfish man and so he leaned down, their lips almost touching and he could hear an innocent gasp from her mouth.

"Are you sure, Mayumi chan? Can I kiss you?"

"Goodness yes, Gojo san."

Damn. Did ... Did Mayumi chan actually moan? Sweet God. He pressed his lips against her, almost gasping when she opened her mouth, kissing him back. That girl could really kiss well. She kissed him just as much passionately as she could and he kissed her back with all the pent up feelings and frustation stored inside him.

It was only when he realised that it was her first kiss that he pulled back. Breathlessly, his lips rested near her ear. He wanted to ask if she was alright but he was too out of breath to speak. That was embarrassing.

When he regained his composure, he looked at her. Her face was flushed, her lips a little bit swollen, sweat beads around her forehead. If someone asked Gojo Saturo what art was, he would have shown this facade of Fushiguro Mayumi. Or would he have? The thought of her breathless kissing another man didn't set well with him.

"Mayumi chan, was I too aggressive?" He asked, tucking her chin upward with his thumb.

"You were perfect," she whispered, a small smile on her lips. "I didn't know kissing would be so fun, Gojo san."

"You should still practise more. In order to get better, of course."

Lies. She was already better. But now he wasn't. One kiss from this sweet angel and he was on the verge of breaking all of his resistance.

She nodded before biting her lip. He noted that she did that whenever she was too nervous to ask something. So he pulled out a laid back grin, hoping it would calm her nerves.

"Gojo san?" She finally mustered enough courage. "Do you think I did well? That is, do you think I kissed you well?"

Damn. What a question. Satoru could feel heat creeping his cheeks. No. No. Satoru, don't lose your cool. You are the strongest sorcerer. You don't blush over a kiss. He reminded himself.

"Great, Mayumi chan," He smiled, pulling out a thumbs up. Wait. Was that silly?

Her face broke into a grin and he smiled back. Maybe, just maybe, being silly wasn't that bad if it made her smile.

"Come, I will drop you to home." He spoke later, shocking even himself.

"I can take a cab, Gojo san," She smiled, standing up. Now they were so close, Satoru sighed. The urge to kiss her again was overpowering him.

"I think we should do a practice test, Gojo san!"

"What do you mean, Mayumi chan?" He furrowed his eyebrows as he saw her trying to stand up on her toes.

"Can I kiss you again?" Mayumi chan asked before clearing her throat, "just to check if I remember the correct procedure or not."

Satoru stifled the urge to smile. So he wasn't the only one dying to kiss her. Nodding, he bent down so that they were on the face level. And as her lips met his, only one thought kept on revolving in his mind.

He was utterly fucked.

a/n : 200 views omg? i never expected this fic to get so many views tysm tysm omg

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