12. | 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚝 𝚘𝚞𝚝 |

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Exam finished.. Your Author is free now/~/~/

Just kidding Diwali is coming guys and i finally came back to MY HEAVEN, MY HOME.

Well this month is the busiest of whole year,
why so..!? First Diwali and then Chhath puja. My lovely mother do and i am freaking out in excitement >○<.

Okay now where i was.. First of all i am really sorry to all become of giving updates so slow. But you can understand right, i am student and i have to balance all the things study, writing and also MY Monster.

Anyways lets get started with a very happy mood....

Today's view
🍂If it's stil in your mind
It is worth.
Taking the risk🍂

°°let's start°°


Author's Pov

"Owww, do it softly" came a whining sound from a room

"You stay still then it will not hurt" another one said and again paid attention towards his work.

"Veer, in this whole world you only get him. Is thier any shortage of doctors here" that person again spoke

Another one give him 'i am done with you' look and said proudly "Mr. Ronit Singhani if you forgot then let me remind you, i am the no. One doctor of whole Asia."

Ronit scoffed flexing his sholder where the doctor was applying medicine "then also you are useless" he said

"For a stupid person like you who don't have brain sells while thinking like this." He replied smirking and pressed the cotton on his wound making ronit to yell in pain.

"Will you both stop for something" came a irritating voice of Siddharth from another corner of room where he sat with a champaign glass in his hand shirtless with bandage around his chest area and neck
(Note:- around neck because veer beated him in the morning [mentioned in previous chapter] )

"Why you both always fight like cat and dog. Something be like a lovely siblings also" Siddharth continued saying coating 'lovely siblings' taking a sip from his glass.

"Did you heard little brother" Harsh said patting his head smirking. In reply he just got a scoff and ronit truned his head another side ignoring everyone's teasing smile.

"Btw Harsh bhai you didn't told us you were coming back" suddenly Aarav asked rasing his head from the laptop infornt of him. he had changed in a pair of plain t-shirt and jeans.

Harsh looked towards him and then moved his eyes to face veer who was sitting on the comfortable chair some meters away from them thinking something deeply and said glaring at him

"I myself don't know when i came here Aarav then how would i have told you"

As he said other three persons eyes widen and instantly ronit spoked "Serious Veer you could have kidnapped any doctor then him"

"He is my most trusted one so no comments in this also you are the person who is fighting with him not us" veer replied rolling his eyes making ronit to give him 'you berthed me' look and Harsh to smrik.

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