Becas first day

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A/N hey guys just letting you know I've never written anything before so I'm very open to feedback haha. Also as much and I want to make this in depth I don't feel comfortable right now writing some stuff. I'll try to make it as interesting as I can. Anyways, this takes place while they are at Barden but it's kind of "behind the scenes" of what the viewers, and also the Bellas, don't see. I hope you enjoy!!

Beca Mitchell, a 5'2 short brunette. At first glance she seemed like she wouldn't hurt a fly but if you crossed her path you'd be the first to know she's the biggest badass ever. Beca didn't want to go to college. She wanted to move to LA and start paying her dues in the music world. That was Beca's real passion, music. Ever since she could remember, she wanted to be a music producer. Her dad wasn't too into the idea, he always told Beca she wouldn't make it and eventually she started to believe it. Although Beca still kept up with her music and making new mixes, she couldn't believe anymore that she would ever be successful. This took a toll on Beca and after a while she started to really struggle with coming up with new ideas. This soon stopped when she went to Barden University.

On Beca's first day she went to the activities fair with her roommate Kimmy Jin, just so she could get away from her dad who was pestering her about doing well in college. They weren't together for long though as Kimmy Jin was very hostile and soon left Beca alone. Beca didn't mind, she preferred to be alone. This was something that would soon change also. She was strolling around campus seeing if there was anything she would be interested in. She saw a sign for DJ's and she rushed over. As she approached the table, a blonde Australian woman reached it at the same time. "Aw DJ's, Deaf Jews. Wicka wicka ehh". Beca looked up at the sign and sighed, this wasn't for her. Beca had a short conversation with the funny blonde but left pretty quickly. As she walked on, she caught a glimpse of something red and shiny, glistening in the sun. It was as if it was a magnet and she got pulled towards it but next thing she knew, she was on her way over there. As she came closer, she saw the most beautiful girl ever. "Any interest in joining our acapella group?" The cute redhead asked Beca. Beca was startled as she didn't expect her to talk to her. Little did she know this gorgeous girl had her eye on Beca as well. They had a brief conversation in which Beca realised that the tall woman with the ginger did not like her. She was asked to go to auditions for their group but lied and said she didn't sing. She didn't know why she did it but the redhaired girl had a strange effect on her. Beca wasn't surprised by this as she knew she liked girls, but she was confused by the size of the effect she had.

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