the pill

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Captain was strapped to a chair in the middle of a dark grey room that seemed to be made for interagation. And he was right.

A skinny man with fluffy sliver hair walked in. He had fluffy ears, a puffy tail, and goat-like legs. Clearly a hybrid. He was wearing a tuxedo that seemed badly taken care of and the tie we completely crooked. He looked extremely nervous.

"Y-you must be thirsty!" He stuttered out. "I don't need to drink." Captain muttered. The small man paused. He pulled out a glass of water and sat it in front of me. "Drink." He said, trying to sound demanding but failing.

Captain darkly chuckled. "I can smell the cinnamon from here. Do they really think I'm that stupid?" He laughs loudly. "That's one of the basics!" The small man looked confused.

"Drink" the boy said again, with a bit more bravery. "Fine. But to who ever is out there!" Captain shouted looking around to find any cameras. "YA CAN'T KILL AN IMMORTAL BABY!" He shouted with a maniacal laugh.

"I'm sure there's some way." The boy muttered quietly. "Oh believe me I would have found it already. The amount of things I've tried." Captain said without hesitation. The man looked confused, but then scared.

The man grabbed the glass and tried to get captain to drink out of it. He obligated. "So now what? I'm going to pass out?" Captain spoke out as soon as he finished the drink.

"I have a list of questions for you" the man shakingly said. "And I have a list of lies for you." Captain said with dark grin. "Are you truly evil?" The man asked. Captain was expecting the word yes, or of course to come out. That is not the case.

"No." Captain slightly tensed. "As you can see you can no longer- wait did you just say no?" The boy realised what this meant. "W-whatever, are you scared in the slightest?" The boy asked shaken up.

Captain prepared himself for the worst. "No" ok good, at least that came out right... But that means the other part was true! He was evil... Right?

"Could You possibly kill me?" Now Captain was ready for this question. "No. wait ignore that-" ok now he was really confused. He tried using one of his ability's but found he could not do so. He looked down to see a magic compresser. "Shit." He said pissed.

"Can you escape the chains you are in." Captain knew he wasn't going to like his answer. "Yes." Never mind, that's what I'm talking about!

The boy inhaled deeply as if he was troubled by the next question he would ask. "I need you to list out all of your mental illnesses" oh that was easy.

"Severe depression, severe anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, slightly pyromainac, and skitzophrenia." Wait shit he shouldn't have said the last one- "skitzophrenia?" The man questioned. "Yes." No shut up! 

"Do you hear voices?" The man asked slightly surprised. "Yes. 1000's. Shit did not mean to-" shut up shut up shut up-

"Do you see things?" The boy asked intrigued now. "Yes. I mean yes- I mean- DUCK!" Captain groaned loudly.

"I need to know one last thing, but depending on your answer might make this a bit longer. Do you take care of yourself? As in eating, drinking, sleeping?" The boy strangely asked.

Uh oh. Captain already knew the answer to that one. He decided to keep his mouth shut. "I'm going to take your silence as a no" wait shit- "no! I mean y-no! DUCKING HELL" captain starting to get frustrated. He kept trying to say yes but just couldn't do it.

"What do you do instead of take care of yourself?" Captain froze. What did he do? "I take care of my kids and figure out ways to plan a way to give people-." Shit he tried to catch himself at the end. "Give people what?" The man asked.

Captain kept his mouth clamped shut. "Speak." What did he think he was? A dog? Captain sighed. "Freedom." He mumbled. "What was that?" The man asked as he could not hear with how quiet captain spoke.

"Freedom" captain said a hit louder. "Freedom? What do you mean by that?" This is where he crossed the line. "Your access has been denied, better luck next time." Captain said with a smirk as he felt the potions powers going away. He could lie all he wanted to now.

The man walked behind captain and started unstrapping him, making sure to leave the magic compresser on him tightly. "Come with me." "Sure" captain said knowing he could escape with ease. He quite frankly wanted to know where this was going.

He was led to a jail cell that looked old and disgusting. Like most of the people here. "This is where You will be staying. Get used to it." The boy said with a twinge of guilt.

Captain shrugged. "They always say that" he said with a coy smirk. "Never know when it might be true" the man said as he left the cell and locked the door behind him.

Captain sat there and thought. He is right you know one of the voices spoke. "I know. One of these days I'll be dead right?" Of course not! Ya can't kill an immortal! Captain hated how that had become one of his catchphrases. He just wanted it all to end.

Aww don't be so down in the dumps! We would bring you back anyway, your fun to toy with! Captain shuddered. A play thing. Was that all he was? No. He was supposed to help others be happy. Though he guessed that could fall under being a toy...

"Hey crazy ass! Stop talking to ya self!" Someone said banging on the bars. Kill him kill him kill him! "Sadly I cannot my friend. I would love to kill him, but I can't." Captain said ignoring the dudes wants.

Hours passed as captain grew bored. The voices had went back to just screaming to him about how bad he was. No fun. Then their was one of the figures kinda just standing there... Staring at me.

Captain heard a banging on the door as the voices went quiet and the figure disappeared into fin air as if it never was there. The boy walked in with something his hands.

"I have no idea what this does, I was also given this remote thing so bear with ms here" he said, not even caring to lock the door. "Here" he saud as he passed captain a grey pill. It was pretty big for pill. "Oh cool drugs. Fun." Captain said before shrugging and taking it.

"Abd You have no idea what's it supposed to do?" Captain asked. "Nope." The man answered with a tired voice. "So I could be sick and go into a coma for the rest of eternity. Cool. Try the remote thing" captain said pointing at the other thing in the mans hands.

The boy pulled it fully out and looked at the buttons. "Which one should I press first?" He asked. "Lemme see" captain said trying to get a look. The boy sat down next to the much larger demon.

Captain looked at all the buttons. There was an arrow thing that was like and air conditioning thing that you turned up or down. "Try turning it up" captain said pointing at the thing with his free hand. The boy slowly turned it up slightly.

Captain felt a sudden pain go through him. "OW" he winced. The boy looked at captain wide eyed. "What?" Captain questioned. The boy turned the knob up again and thus time captain noticed what happened to him. "Holy shit did I just grow an inch!?"

Decided to leave it on clif hanger cause why noootttt

(1319 wordssss)

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