Nobody's Perfect

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1 - Malai (aka The First Relationship)

Malai was the most beautiful girl in his high school class, and every boy, even some girls, had a crush on her. She was a very friendly and sweet girl, so just like any other boy in his class, Phayu liked her. But the big difference with others is that Malai liked him back too. And that's basically the backstory.

He told her he liked her, and she said that she liked him too. So just like any other high school students who liked each other, they started dating. It was so sweet, their relationship, he carried her bag, walked her to class or home. She laughed at his jokes and even said she liked his teasing. He was so happy about it. They were just first year, but he liked her very much.

So after some time they started kissing and both of them were happy to move the relationship to the next level. He was behaving more freely around Malai, he even thought of bringing her to meet his parents. She already knew Saifah, he is Phayu's twin brother after all.

Everything seemed perfect to Phayu, and it would have stayed that way if he hadn't found her one day talking to her friends about how annoying he was and how he asked too much from her.

Phayu was so confused after hearing that. He didn't understand why she would tell her friends that, so he wanted to talk to Malai about that. When he finally did talk to her about it, she told him in the face that he was too much for her, and they broke up. They still stayed polite to each other, even somewhat friendly.

Phayu was sad, he managed to push away his first lover. Saifah, being his twin, was of course there for him. And the twin's best friend Prapai was also there to cheer him up. So he recovered, but decided to be more careful with the next one.

After this relationship, there was one important rule to follow. Do not tease your lover! They don't like that, and they do not have to.

If you ask Phayu what was special about Malai, he would say nothing. She was simply his first girlfriend, and lover in general. Even if they never got to have sex, they were still just children. If he ever saw her again, he would greet her politely, even friendly. He would even have a coffee with her, if his darling wouldn't get jealous because of it.

But it was obvious that this wasn't his happy ending, but it's not like he expected it at 15. He's still young, making wrong choices is part of life, isn't it?

2 - Lek (aka The Bisexual Awakening)

He was so lucky his family supported him, even when he came out as bi. Phayu wasn't an idiot, he knew that not everyone would be accepting of that fact. He always knew he would have Sai on his side, and Pai was bi just like him. But telling his parents worried him.

Phayu remembers the day he met Lek. It was before second year, he was helping his dad in the garage, Saifah wasn't there that day. Phayu noticed that the man who came to the garage earlier that week was there again. Probably to pick up his car. But this time, he wasn't alone. There was a boy, a little smaller than Phayu. Their fathers introduced them, and they became boyfriends pretty soon.

Their relationship started sweet, but Lek was so demanding. He was a spoiled little brat, an only child who was so used to getting what he wanted every single time.

Phayu would do what Lek wanted, and of course, after the last screw up of a relationship, he was barely teasing Lek. Phayu knew it was so unlike him, but he had already been burned. Relationships were worth sacrificing for, if Phayu learned anything from his parents.

Phayu gave into Lek's whims, he did what Lek wanted every single time. The more Phayu gave into him, the bigger the demands became from Lek. He had to spend more time with Lek, give him more gifts, go out and meet his own friends less, and so on.

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