viii. arms around waist

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It had been a few days since the kiss and yet Mayumi couldn't forget it

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It had been a few days since the kiss and yet Mayumi couldn't forget it. It was too good to be forgotten. The taste of Gojo san still lingered on her lips. She liked to think that she only felt that way because it was her first kiss. But deep down, even she knew that the butterflies in her belly were because of Gojo san.

Speaking of Gojo san, she hadn't seen him since that day. He had texted her to let her know that he would be out for sightseeing. His version of sightseeing, as Megumi would always like to point out, was exorcising the curses. As lame as it was, she missed him.

A sigh left her mouth as she locked the bakery before making her way towards the bus stop. She could have afforded a car with her monthly savings but buying a car for a single person wasn't exactly feasible considering how her brother had no use for it. And besides, public transport was healthy for the environment, right?

Her phone pinged. It was Megumi’s text stating that he had already eaten outside with his friends. Hm. Maybe she would order food online too. Why bother cooking for a single person? She wondered.

It was a little close to midnight that she retired to her bedroom after wishing her brother a good night. The romance books in her bookshelves were calling her and it would be a lie if she said that she wasn't tempted to pick a book and curl up under the covers. A sweet, cute romcom.

Before she could curl under the covers, someone knocked her window from the balcony. Her face turned white as a sheet. Nervously, she wrapped her arms around her body. Who could it be on her balcony at midnight? She debated between calling Megumi or checking it herself. Mustering up all the courage, she decided to go herself.

Chanting her prayers, she opened the door and the first thing she noticed was a pair of crystal blue eyes. Gojo san. He was wearing his usual jacket, the blindfold in his hands. She could feel the tiredness seeping out of him.

“Did I scare you, Mayumi chan?”

“Kind of,” she looked up at him, “are you alright? Oh, please come in first!”

“Sorry to intrude,” he muttered, following her inside, “I just returned from the mission and going back to my home feels so lonely. Normally, it's Shoko and I, but she's not here.”

So, he usually spends his nights with Ieiri. She wondered, a bitter feeling gnawing in her stomach.

“Not what you're thinking, Princess,” he chuckles, “There's nothing like that between Shoko and I.”

“I ... I wasn't asking!” She retorted, embarrassed and it was only that the two of them had entered her bedroom that she realised one grave thing.

Gojo san was in her bedroom. Her bedroom.

”Your pajamas are cute,” He chuckled and she bit her lip. Her Barbie pajamas were definitely not her sexiest point.

“Yeah, well, I wasn't aware that I would have company!” She huffed as she sat down on the bed, motioning him to do the same. “Although, I am glad you came, Gojo san.”

“I feel like a nuisance,” He laughed, assessing her beige colored walls, “who would have thought that I would be in Mayumi chan's bedroom?”

“Don't make a habit of it,” She playfully rolled her eyes, “although you need to be quiet. We can't let Gumi know that you're here.”

“Of course,” he leaned against the wall, a smirk on his face, “can't let your brother know that I was in his innocent sister's bedroom at midnight.”

Her face was on flames. Trust him to make everything sound so indecent!

“Are you hopping in or not?” She yawned, draping the covers over herself, “because I am sleepy.”

“Sleepy Mayumi chan is bossy,” He teased before taking off his jacket. Mayumi had to use every ounce of her self restraint to not stare at the way his undershirt clung to his abs. Good God. He really was a perfection. No wonder he was the ladies' favourite.

And the last memory she had of the night was Gojo san’s arms wrapping around her waist.

a/n : sorry for the late update. here's a chapter for y'all muah

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