★ | 001. a regretful decision

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Book: Strong, Until Dawn
Chapter 1: A Regretful Decision
Word Count: 1276

Book: Strong, Until DawnChapter 1: A Regretful DecisionWord Count: 1276

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"Oh, my god! I can't believe you actually did this." Emily giggled quietly as Jessica put the note she had written on the counter.

Scott crossed his arms as he watched the situation with a frown. He felt bad about what they were about to do but at the same time he didn't say anything. If all his friends wanted to prank another one who was he to stop it.

Jess put her finger to her lips and shushed her. "Don't you guys think this is a little bit cruel?" Sam questioned.

"Oh yeah, just a little bit." Scott agreed while giving the others a look.

"Oh, come on, she deserves it." Jess rolled her eyes.

"It's not her fault that she has a massive crush on Mike." Sam continued to try and defend the girl.

"Hannah's been making the moves on him. I'm just looking out for my girl Em." Jessica winked at her best friend.

"Just because he's class Prez doesn't mean he belongs to everyone... Mike is my man." Emily said with a wide smirk. They all began to walk from the kitchen and into the living room where Ashley and Matt were waiting.

"Hey, Em, I'm not anybody's man." Mike said cockily.

Emily smiled sweetly. "Whatever you say, darling."

They all began to go to the room where the note would lead Hannah into except Sam and Scott. While Sam went upstairs to look for Hannah, Scott went to go into the other kitchen where he knew Josh and Chris were drinking.

"Hey, are you coming?" Mike called out to him.

"Not my thing but you go ahead." Scott waved him off.

Mike sighed. "Come on. It's just a prank. We'll all be laughing about this in the morning."

"Sorry Mikey but I don't think Hannah's going to be laughing in the morning." It was the final thing Scott said before he left. He did see Mike look a little guilty but it didn't stop him from following after the others.

He found Josh and Chris at the counter both of them laying their hands flat and their eyes closed. "They went to hard too fast." He said.

Beth, who had been standing by the window turned to him with a laugh. "Is that unexpected from them two? Probably did another one of them stupid drinking games." She walked over to her brother and pat him on the back. "Jeez Josh, once again, brother, you've out done us all."

He mumbled incoherent words, making Scott laugh.

"Where did all the others go?" Beth questioned.

Scott tensed up at that. If he told her about the prank on her sister. She would for sure try to stop it and get pissed at all of them. But maybe stopping it was a good thing. He sighed. He didn't want to ruin the fun for the others. "I don't know." He lied. He had to turn away as he did it. He hated lying. He walked over to the half empty bottle that was next to Josh and picked it up, taking a swing from it.

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